Q.1 You are the manager of the finance company. In an international level seminar on the condition of recession in India, you have to make a presentation. You have collected all the data & information. Some of the data may lead to decline in investment in your company. What would you do?

A)Make the presentation giving all the information & data despite the risk of decline in investment & assure the investers that your company will do every possible step to protect their money

B)Make the presentation on the basis of only favouring data & information

C)Exaggrate the favouring data, without much highlighting the opposing data

D)Modify the opposing data to make it upto the mark

Ans. C

Q.2 You are working as a joint secretary in the Power Ministry. You have been assigned the job of restricting the wastage of coal in the thermal power plants such as wastage due to low calorific value of coal, pilferage at pit head or in transit etc. what would you do?

A)Set up a new thermal power plant at the pit head itself

B)Restrict coal production & balance of demand will get fulfilled by imports

C)Allow local companies for self coal mining & provide all assistance to arrest pilferage at pit head or in transit

D)Synchronise production & dispatch & minimize coal stock in collieries

Ans. D

Q.3 You are general manager of a company. You have to launch a new product in the market where there are many similar products. What would you do?

A)Give advertisement in newspapers & on television

B)Offer attractive gifts with your product

C)Publicise the good things about your product

D)Publicise the product comparing other similar products in the market

Ans. D

Q.4 You are working as a Sub-Divisional officer & one Block development Officer is not cooperating with you as he is related to the DM of your district & does no work at all. What would you do?

A)Take the matter form him after scolding

B)Raise the matter in a meeting

C)Complain about him to a senior official

D)Ask a written reply from him for not doing work

Ans. D

Q.5 You have been asked by your employer to perform a task that is unsafe & harmful to you. What would you do?

A)Refuse to do work

B)Complain to your co-worker about the situation

C)Convince the employer that the work is unsafe & harmful to you

D)Make suggestions to your employer on how to make the task safer & less harmful

Ans. D

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