Q.1 Diwan-i-Khalisa was responsible to look after the A) Land under continuous cultivation B) Land under direct possession of the state C) Revenue-free land granted as reward D) Cultivable land but left fallow Ans. B   Q.2 The ‘Kurram’ of Chola period were : A) Musicians B) Union of villages C) Royal officers D) Temple artisans Ans. B   Q.3 Consider the following : At which of the following places has the largest belt of painted rock-shelters of pre-historic period has been discovered ? 1. Bhaja 2. Bhimbetka 3. Jaora 4. Ajanta Select the correct answer using the code given below : A) 1,2,3 B) 2,3,4 C) 2 & 3 D) 3 & 4 Ans. C   Q.4 The Jain rock-cut caves at Udayagiri and Khandagiri near Bhubaneshwar are characterized by 1. No congregation halls and tiny cells. 2. Upward slope of the floor 3. Big congregation halls and the cells excavated according to a plan. 4. Plain interior of the cells. Select the correct answer using the code given below: A) 2, 3 and 4 B) 1, 2 and 4 C) 1 and 2 only D) 1 and 4 only Ans. D   Q.5 With reference to the Indian freedom struggle, consider the following statements: 1. Viresalingam Pantulu founded the Krishna Patrika 2. Munturi Krishna Rao edited the Krishna Patrika Which of the statements given above is/are correct? A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both 1 and 2 D) Neither 1 nor 2 Ans. B   Q.6 Consider the following statements: Surendranath Banerjee’s Indian Association 1. was concerned with a plea for the admission of Indians to the Civil Service. 2. carried on a campaign against the Arms Act and the Vernacular Press Act. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both 1 and 2 D) Neither 1 nor 2 Ans. C   Q.7 During the Indian freedom struggle, the Dutt-Bradley Thesis was related to A) Communist movement B) Entry of Indians into Civil Services C) System of agrarian taxation D) Trade Union movement and industrial disputes Ans. A   Q.8 The Gujarat Sabha under the presidentship of Mahatma Gandhi played a leading role in the A) Agitation of Ahmedabad mill workers B) Agitation of the peasants of Kheda C) Peasants movements in Bardoli D) Salt satyagraha Ans. B   Q.9 Which among the following was not one of the proposals of the Cabinet Mission? A) Dominion status for India would be given after the war was over B) The British Indian Provinces should be formed into three groups in order to offer the reality of Pakistan to the Muslim League C) A Constituent Assembly would be formed to prepare a Constitution of India D) An Interim Government should be formed consisting of the main political parties in India. Ans. A   Q.10 Which one of the following is not mentioned in the Vedic literature? A) Nishka B) Hiranyapinda C) Shatamana D) Karshapana Ans. D    

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Q.1 Consider the following statements : 1) In Hindu marriage Sapinda means that persons of five generations on the fathers side & severe generations on mother’s side cannot intermarry 2) In Hindu society Gotra refers to a group of families which trace their origin from common mythological ancestor Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. B Sapinda is a term used in context of cousin marriages in Hinduism.     Q.2 With reference to ancient India, what are Karsapana? A) Copper plate inscriptions B) Commonly used coins C) Steatite seals D) Inscriptions engraved on stone walls of the temples Ans. B     3 With reference to the ‘Kamraj Plan’ which one of the following statements is not correct? A) The Kamraj Plan was produced at a meeting of the Congress Working Committee. B) The Kamraj Plan was an effort to infuse new life into Congress Party. C) Nehru was to decide whose resignations were to be finally accepted. D) The Kamraj Plan did not receive enthusiastic response from the Congress Party rank and file. Ans. D     Q.4 In the context of Indian freedom Struggle, the organization of any army called “Vidyut Vahini” was associated with which one of the following? A) Prati Sarkar B) Tamralipta Jatiya Sarkar C) Hindustan Socialist Republical Association D) Swadesh Bandabh Samiti Ans. B     Q.5 With reference to the Indian temple, consider the following: Amalaka Kumbhapanjara Upapitha Vimana Which of the above are structural elements in the architecture of Rajarajeswar temple of Tanjuvar? A) 1,2 and 3 only B) 1 and 4 only C) 2,3 and 4 only D) 1,2,3 and 4 Ans. C     Q.6 Regarding Ajanta paintings, which of the following statements is not correct? A) The paintings were made on the walls of the cave without pre-treating with anything. B) There is no division of scenes in different frames C) The painting mostly depict the Jataka tales. D) The paintings sometimes show human characters of non- Indian origin. Ans. A     Q.7 Consider the following places : 1) Bhimbetka 2) Badami 3) Khajurao At which of the above places are prehistoric cave painting found ? A) 2 & 3 B) Only 1 C) 1 & 3 D) 1,2,3 Ans. B     Q.8 Consider the following : Annie Besant is associated with : 1) Establishment of Central Hindu College 2) Launch of Home Rule League 3) Launch of Quit India Movement Which of the above statements are correct ? A) 1 & 2 B) Only 3 C) 2 & 3 D) 1,2,3 Ans. A     Q.9 Which of the following pairs is/are correctly matched ? Dance State 1) Garia Manipur 2) Jhummar Rajasthan 3) Mukna Tripura Codes: A) 1 & 2 B) Only 2 C) Only 3 D) 2 & 3 Ans. B Garia – Tripuri people Mukna – Manipur     Q.10 Which one among the following statements regarding Jorwe Culture is not correct? A) Pravara-Godavari Valley was the nuclear zone of Jorwe Culture B) The main sites of Jorwe Culture are Daimabad, Inamgaon, Jorwe and Nevasa C) At Daimabad, one gets archaelogical evidence of symbolic burial D) Practically all Jorwe settlements in the Northern Deccan were suddenly deserted Ans. C Archaelogical evidence of symbolic burial was mainly found at Inamgaon.  

HISTORY MCQ SET-11 Read More »


Q.1 Which of the following is the feature of the Subsidiary alliance ? 1) Indian state has to keep a british resident in her capital 2) A subsidiary british army was to be maintained in the Indian state 3) Indian soldiers could be used by the company commanders 4) Determination of expenses incurred on the subsidiary British army was the duty of the Indian state Codes: A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,4 C) 1,2,4 D) 1,2,3,4 Ans. C A subsidiary alliance is an alliance between a dominant nation and a nation that it dominates.   Q.2 Statements: 1) Brahmo samaj supported monotheism 2) Arya samaj contributed for the development of education 3) Swami Vivekanand founded Ram Krishna Mission 4) Brahmo Samaj, Ram Krishna Mission & Arya Samaj didn’t have a political mission but helped to develop a spirit of patriotism Codes: A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,4 C) 1,2,3 D) 1,2,3,4 Ans. D   Q.3 Who among the following founded Theosophical society ? A) Madam Blavatsky & Annie Besant B) A.O. Hume & Annie Besant C) H.S. Alcott & Annie Besant D) Madam Blavatsky & H.S Alcott Ans. A   Q.4 Statements: 1) Vernacular Press Act was repealed by the Lord Ripon in 1882 2) This act did not discriminate between the English press & the vernacular press Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C   Q.5 Statements: 1) A general strike known as Girni kamgar union was for the dismissal of workers who had taken part in 1928 strikes 2) Keshav Chandra’s campaign against sati led to the enactment of a law to ban sati by the Governor General Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C   Q.6 Which of the following was associated with the revolt of 1857 ? 1) Khan Bahadur 2) Nana Sahib 3) maharaja Ranjit Singh 4) Begum Hazart Mahal 5) Kumwar Singh 6) Nizam of Hyderabad Codes: A) 1,3,4,5,6 B) 2,3,4,5,6 C) 1,2,4,5,6 D) 1,2,3,4 Ans. C   Q.7 Who among the following was a moderate ? 1) Bipin Chandra Pal 2) Gopal Krishna Gokhale 3) Surendranath Banerjee 4) Feroj Shah Mehta Codes: A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,4 C) 1,2,3 D) 1,2,3,4 Ans. B   Q.8 Statements: 1) Madam Bhikaji Cama unfurled the national flag at the International socialist Conference 2) Madam Cama served as a private secretary to Dada Bhai Naoroji 3) Madam Cama was born to parsi 4) Gopal Krishna Gokhale rejected the title of knight hood & refused to accept position in the council of Secretary of State for India Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 3 & 4 C) 2 & 4 D) 1,3,4 Ans. B   Q.9 Who among the following were the militant nationalists ? 1) Lala Lajpat Rai 2) Bipin chandra Pal 3) Bal Gangadhar Tilak 4) Gopal Krishna Gokhale Codes: A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,4 C) 1,2,3 D) 1,2,3,4 Ans. C   Q.10 Statements: 1) Congress was split into two fractions as its Surat Session in 1907 2) Bal Gangadhar Tilak revived the festivals of Ganpati & Shivaji in Maharashtra to arouse a new spirit among the youth of a country 3) Aurobindo Ghosh was arrested in connection with the Alipore Bomb case Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D    

HISTORY MCQ SET-10 Read More »


Q.1 Which of the following resolutions become the cause of split in congress in Surat in 1907 ? 1) Swadeshi 2) Boycott 3) Annulment of partitions of Bengal 4) National Education Codes: A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,4 C) 1,2,3 D) 1,2,3,4 Ans. C   Q.2 Which of the following were the members of the Swaraj Party ? 1) Gopal Krishna Gokhle 2) Sardar Patel 3) Motilal Nehru Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) Only 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. B   Q.3 Statements: 1) Indian national Congress opposed the Simon Commission & did not cooperated with it. 2) The Simon Commission had no Indian representive Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C   Q.4 Which of the following is correct regarding the poona Pact ? 1) Acceptance of Joint electorate system 2) Reservation of seats for the depressed classes in Central legislature 3) Reservation of the seats for the depressed classes in the Provincial legislature 4) Adequate representation of the depressed sections in the Government jobs Codes: A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,4 C) 1,2,3 D) 1,2,3,4 Ans. C   Q.5 Why Congress Ministers tendered resignations after elections in 1937 ? A) Due to inexperience to run the administration B) Due to undue interference in their working by the government C) Because British government declared India a party to World War II without consulting them D) Because of paucity of the financial resources which hampered all developmental works Ans. C   Q.6 Statements: 1) Both the Congress & Muslim League refused the offer of Cripps Mission 2) Interim Government formed in 1946 had nominees of the Congress only & not those of the Muslim League Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. A   Q.7 Statements: 1) Nehru favoured heavy Industrialisation but gandhiji did not favoured it 2) Nehru had no regard for Upanishads 3) Nehru’s attitude was scientific Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D ) 1,2,3 Ans, A   Q.8 Statements: 1) Effect of labour participation in Indian nationalist upsurge of early 1930s was weak 2) Labour leaders considered ideology of Indian National Congress as bourgeosis & reactionary Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C   Q.9 Why British had included Princely states in the Federal Union by Indian Act of 1935 ? A) To exercise more & direct political & administrative control over the Princely states B) To involve the princes actively in administration of colony C) To effect the political & administrative take over of all the Princely states by the British D) To use the Princes to counter-balance anti-imperalist doctrine of nationalist leaders Ans. D   Q.10 Statements: 1) Khudai Khidmatgars also known as Red Shirts called for the Pathan nationalist unity & struggle against colonialism 2) According to the Wavel plan number of Hindu & Muslim members in Executive council were to be equal 3) Wavel thought that this arrangement would have avoided the partition of India Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. C   Q.11 statements: 1) Rowlatt act authorised the government to imprison people without trial 2) Ilbert bill seeks to bring Indian & Europians as par as far as the criminal jurisdiction of courts was concerned Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C   Q.12 On the eve of launch of Quit India Movement, mahatma Gandhi :- 1) Asked princes of the princely states to accept the sovereignity of their own people 2) Asked the soldiers to leave their posts 3) Asked the government servants to resign Codes A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D   Q.13 Statements: 1) Cripps proposal includes the provision of full independence of India 2) Cripps Proposal includes the provision of creation of constitution making body Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. B   Q.14 Statements: 1) Discussion in the third round table conference led to the passing of the Government of India Act 1935 2) Government of India Act 1935 provided for the establishment of All India Federation on the basis of Provinces of the British India & the Princely states Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C    



Q.1 Consider the statements relating to Kathakali: 1) Tabla & sitar are used in kathakali. 2) Kathakali is the art of story telling & it would bring to life the great scriptures and epic so ancient times, especially the great Indian epics – the Mahabharata and the Ramayana Codes: A) only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are correct Ans. C   Q.2 In context with the Kuchipudi, consider the  following statements: 1) It is a classical dance form  performed in Andhra Pradesh. 2) According to tradition, Kuchipudi dance was originally performed only by men and they all belonged to the Brahmin community 3) Renowned gurus like Vedantam Lakshmi Narayana Sastry brought  reforms that has led to the women playing the male parts in this dance form. Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) All are correct Ans. D   Q.3 The theory of trusteeship of the business asset was pronounced by A)Henry fayol B)Mahatma Gandhi C)Jawahar Lal Nehru D)Karl Marx Ans. B   Q.4 Which sultan of Delhi is said to have followed the policy of  ‘blood & iron? A)Iltutmish B)Balban C)Jaluluddin Firoz Khalji D)Firozshah tughlaq Ans. B   Q.5 Ash Mound is associated with the Neolithic site at A)Budihal B)Sangan Kallu C)Koldihwa D)Brahmgiri Ans. A   Q.6 Consider the statements relating Chaityas & viharas: 1) These are the examples of rock cut structures. 2) Chaityas were place of worship whereas Viharas were residence of monks Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C   Q.7 With reference to the Dhrupad, which among the following are correct ? 1) Instrument used are Tanpuras & Rudra Veena 2) It can’t be performed as a solo Which among the above is/are correct ? A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. A The vocalist is usually accompanied by two tanpuras, the players sitting close behind, with the percussionist at the right of the vocalist. Traditionally the only other instrument used was the Rudra Veena. Some artists have used other instruments. Preferably, such instruments should have a deep bass register and long sustain. Like all Indian classical music, dhrupad is modal and monophonic, with a single melodic line and no chord progression. Each raga has a modal frame – a wealth of micro-tonal ornamentations (gamaka) are typical. The text is preceded by a wholly improvised section, the alap. The alap in dhrupad is sung using a set of syllables, popularly thought to be derived from a mantra, in a recurrent, set pattern: a re ne na, té te re ne na, ri re re ne na, te ne toom ne (this last group is used in the end of a long phrase). Dhrupad styles have long elaborate alaps, their slow and deliberate melodic development gradually bringing an accelerating rhythmic pulse. In most styles of dhrupad singing it can easily last an hour, broadly subdivided into the alapproper (unmetered), the jor (with steady rhythm) and the jhala (accelerating strumming) or nomtom, when syllables are sung at a very rapid pace. Then the composition is sung to the rhythmic accompaniment: the four lines, in serial order, are termed sthayi, antara, sanchari and aabhog. Compositions exist in the metres (tala) tivra (7 beats), sul (10 beats) and chau (12 beats) – a composition set to the 10-beat jhap tala is called a sadra while one set to the 14-beatdhamar is called a dhamar. The latter is seen as a lighter musical form, associated with the Holi spring festival. Alongside concert performance the practice of singing dhrupad in temples continues, though only a small number of recordings have been made. It bears little resemblance to concert dhrupad: there is very little or no alap; percussion such as bells and finger cymbals, not used in the classical setting, are used here, and the drum used is a smaller, older variant called mrdang, quite similar to the mridangam. Swami Vivekananda was exceedingly fond of the Dhrupad style of singing.He liked the martial nature of Dhrupad. In his book ‘Sangeeta Kalpataru’, Swami Vivekanandawrites,’Dhrupad means singing the glories of the Lord.This branch of music is especially devoted to singing glories of God.’ When he composed his Arati song to Sri Ramakrishna,which is sung in all centres of the Ramakrishna Order and countless homes the world over, he set it to the Dhrupad style of singing.   Q.8 Regarding Brahmo samaj, which among the following are correct ? 1) It does not discriminate between caste, creed or religion 2) It is a monotheistic movement of Hindu religion Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C Brahmo Samaj is the societal component of Brahmoism, a monotheistic reformist and renaissancemovement of Hindu religion. It is practised today mainly as the Adi Dharm after its eclipse in Bengal consequent to the exit of theTattwabodini Sabha from its ranks in 1859. After the publication of Hemendranath Tagore’s Brahmo Anusthan (code of practice) in 1860 which formally divorced Brahmoism from Hinduism, the first Brahmo Samaj was founded in 1861 at Lahore by Pandit Nobin Chandra Roy. It was one of the most influential religious reformist movements responsible for the making of modern India. It was started at Calcuttaon 20 August 1828 by Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Debendranath Tagore as reformation of the prevailing Brahmanism of the time (specifically Kulin practices) and began the Bengal Renaissance of the 19th century pioneering all religious, social and educational advance of the Hindu community in the 19th century. Its Trust Deed was made in 1830 formalising its inception and it was duly and publicly inaugurated in January 1830 by the consecration of the first house of prayer, now known as the Adi Brahmo Samaj. From theBrahmo Samaj springs Brahmoism, one of the recent sects or faiths of Hinduism. It is not recognised in India as a separate religion distinct from Hinduism despite



Q.1 Which of the following are the significances of Rasarnava i.e. Treatise on Metallic Preparations  ?   1) It contains wealth of information Tantric-Medical and chemical knowedge and practices prevalent in India during that period   2) It deals with Rasas (mercury and other important minerals), Uparasas (inferior minerals), metals. etc   3) It was written by an unknown author, in Sanskrit language   Codes:   A) 1 & 3   B) 2 & 3   C) 1 & 2   D) 1,2,3   Ans. D   Q.2 What is the significance of Patharughat in the Indian freedom struggle ?   1) It is also known as Jallianwala Bagh of Assam   2) It is a place in Assam, where the peasant took British bullets while protesting exorbitant taxes   Codes:   A) Only 1   B) Only 2   C) Both are correct   D) Both are incorrect   Ans. C   Q.3 Consider the statements regarding Bagurumba folk dance :   1) It is folk dance of Assam   2)It  resemble the butterflies movement   3) It is the combination of costume colors and movements   Codes:   A) 1 & 3   B) 2 & 3   C) 1 & 2   D) 1,2,3   Ans. D   Q.4 With which of the following purpose sir William Wederburn & W.S. Caine set up Indian Parliamentary committee in 1893 ? A) To campaign for entry of Indians into Imperial Judiciary B) To agitate for entry of Indians into British parliament C) To agitate for Indian political reforms in the house of commons D) To facilitate discussion on the India’s Independence in British Parliament Ans. C   Q.5 In context with the Tabhanga Movement which of the following statements are correct ? 1)  Share-cropping peasants (essentially, tenants) had to give half of their harvest to the owners of the land 2) It was a militant campaign initiated in Bengal by the Kisan Sabha 3)  Muslim League supported this agitation Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. C As a response to the agitations, the then Muslim League ministry in the province launched the Bargadari Act, which provided that the share of the harvest given to the landlords would be limited to one third of the total. But the law was not fully implemented   Q.6 Which among the following statements are correct regarding Babbar Akali Movement ? 1) Loss of Sikh sovereignty in the Anglo-Sikh wars helped to enjoy popular support. 2) The Babbar Akali movement recruited from World War I veterans dissatisfied with broken land grant promises Which among above are correct ? A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C   Q.7 Which of the following are the philosophical concepts of the Jain Dharma ? 1) Ahimsa 2) Karma 3) Non-violence 4) Multiple facets of truth Which among the above are correct ? A) 1,2,3 B) 2 & 3 C) 2,3,4 D) All are correct Ans. D  



Q.1 Consider the statements regarding Virupaksha & Vitthala temple : 1) Hall of Virupaksha temple were decorated with the carved pillars  which were used for variety of purpose 2) In Vitthala temple there were several halls & shrines was unique having being designed as chariot Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C   Q.2 Jotedars were a powerful figure in many areas of rural Bengal, because : 1) They controlled local trade as well as money lending 2) They exercise immense power over the poor cultivators 3) They owned vast acres of land 4) Unlike Zamindars they lived in village & could exercise direct control Codes: A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,4 C) 1,2,3 D) 1,2,3,4 Ans. D   Q.3 In context with the Dhamma introduced by the Ashoka, consider the following statements : 1) Dhamma maintained unity in empire 2) It preached moral values like Truthfulness,Charity & Mercy 3) Edicts were written in prakrit which was the language of the common people Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D   Q.4 Which among the following are the characteristics of Harappan culture ? 1) Main occupation during that time period was agriculture & domestication of cattle 2) Few crafts were practiced 3) No big buildings were present 4) Settlements were small in size Codes: A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,4 C) 1,2,3 D) All are correct Ans. D   Q.5 Which among the following statements are correct ? 1) In Nagara style  Shikhar is beehive & Curvilinear shaped & Pillars are not present 2) In  Dravidian style Shikhar contains small storeys of pavilions & pillars are present Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C   Q.6 Mural paintings are associated with : 1) Lepakshi painting 2) Bagh caves 3) Jain caves 4) Ajanta caves Codes: A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,4 C) 1,2,3 D) 1,2,3,4 Ans . D   Q.7 Statements: 1) Tanjore paintings : Rich vibrant colours & semi precious stones 2) Madhubani school : Plastered mud walls Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C   Q.8 Which among the following regarding Qawali is/are correct ? 1) It is written in Persian, Hindi & Urdu 2) It is usually sung in group Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C   Q.9 Which among the among statements are correct regarding Indian dancing style ? 1) Bharatnatyam :It is accompanied by facial expressions 2) Kuchipudi : It is accompanied by use of speech 3) Bhangas : It involves stamping of foot 4) Chowk : It is a position imitating a square with weight of the body equally balanced 5) Chhau : Consists of vigorous movements & leaps Codes: A) 1,3,4,5 B) 2,3,4,5 C) 1,2,3,4 D) 1,2,3,4,5 Ans. D   Q.10 In context with the Naujawan Bharat Sabha, which among the following statements are correct ? 1)It  was an association of Indian youth against the British Raj by gathering together worker and peasant youth. 2) It was founded by the Suraj Sen Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. A It was founded by Bhagat Singh      



Q.1 Which among the following are correct ? 1) Polaj : Land which is annually cultivated for each crop in succession 2) Chachar: Land that has lain fallow for three or four years 3) Banjar : Land uncultivated for five years or more Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Only 3 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D   Q.2 With reference to the invaders which among the following is the correct chronological order ? A) Greeks-Shakas-Kushans B) Sakas-Kushans-Greeks C) Greeks-Kushans-Sakas D) Sakas-Greeks-Kushans Ans. A   Q.3 Statements: 1) Ikshvaku rulers of southern India were antagonist towards Buddhism 2) Pala rulers of eastern India were patrons of Buddhism Codes: A) Only 1 B) only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. B   Q.4 Statements: 1) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq issued a new gold coin which was called Dinar by ibn Batutah 2) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq wanted to issue token currency in gold coins to promote trade with West Asian & North African Countries Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. A   Q.5 Which of the following suggested the reconstitution of the viceroy’s executive council in which all the portfolios including that of the war members were to be held by the Indian leaders A) Simla conference B) Cabinet mission C) Mountbatten plan D) Cripps proposal Ans. A   Q.6 What were the resolutions passed in the congress working committee that met at Bardoli ? 1) Removal of untouchability 2) Promotion of Hindu-Muslim unity 3) Starting national schools Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D Bardoli resolution 1922, suspended the Non-cooperation movement   Q.7 In context with the teachings of Jainism, which among the following are correct ? 1) It believed in the concept of Karma 2) It did not condemn the caste system 3) Jainism rejected the authority of Vedas Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D   Q.8 “ Seals are the most distinctive products of the Harappan culture”. Consider the following statements : 1) They were used to facilitate long distance communication 2) They are engraved with the figures of animals 3) Seals usually have a line of writing at the top containing name & title of the owner Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D Seals are square or rectangular tablets of clay with boss on one side & engravings on other side   Q.9 Statements: 1) Minorities want separate electorates because it would ensure muslims had a meaningful voice in the governance of the country 2) Nationalists were against the separate electorates because if they are isolated thay can never convert themselves into a majority Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C   Q.10 “Audience Hall & Mahanavmi dibba” were the two main platform of Vijayanagar’s king palaces, consider the following statements: 1) Audience hall is a platform with slots of wooden pillars & pillars support a staircase going to the second floor 2) Mahanavmi dibba was located on one of the highest points in the city  Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C    



Q.1 Which of the following were the observations of Ibn Batuta ? 1) Cities were densely populated & prosperous 2) Soil were fertile which makes agriculture very productive 3) Unique system of communication was present 4) He described Coconut & Paan as two kinds of plant Codes: A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,4 C) 1,2,3 D) 1,2,3,4 Ans. D   Q.2 Statements: 1) Al-Biruni’s Kitab-Ul-Hind was written in Arabic on religion, Festivals , Laws & Metrology 2) Rihla was a book of travels that was written by Ibn Batuta giving details of Soocial & cultural life Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C   Q.3 Which of the following were the observations of the Bernier ? 1) He described Indian society as undifferentiated masses of impoverished people 2) According to him the major difference between Mughal India & Europe was the lack of property in the Mughal India 3) Cities & Towns were ruined & contaminated with ill air Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D   Q.4 Statements: 1) Lingayats do not practice funerary rites such as cremation 2) Lingayats challenged the idea of caste & & questioned the theory of rebirth 3) Alvars refers to the devotee of Vishnu while Nayanars were the devotees of Shiva Which among above are correct ? A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D   Q.5 Which among the following statements regarding Sufism are correct ? 1) They laid emphasis on seeking salvation through devotion 2) Silsila signifies a continuous link between master & disciple Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C   Q.6 Which among the following statements are correct regarding Chishtis ? 1) Major feature of the Chisti tradition was austerity 2) Chistis accepted unsolicited grants & donations from the political elites Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C   Q.7 Which among the following statements are correct regarding Bhakti saints ? 1) Guru Nanak advocated a form of Nirguna Bhakti 2) Guru Nanak rejected sacrifices, ritual baths & image worships 3) Shankaradeva encouraged establishment of Satra or Monasteries for transmission of spiritual knowledge Codes: A) 1 & 2 B) Only 3 C) 1 & 3 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D   Q.8 Amara-nayaka system was a major political innovation of the Viijayanagar empire, consider the statements regarding this system : 1) Amara-nayakas were the military commanders who were given territiories to govern by the Rayas 2) They collected taxes & other dues from the peasants & traders in the area Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C   Q.9 Which of the following were the observations by the Abdur Razzaq in Vijayanagar empire regarding Fortifications & roads ? 1) Forts encircled not only the city but also the agriculture & forests 2) Outermost wall linked the hills surrounding the city 3) No mortar or cementing agent was employed in the construction 4) Dome over the gate are regarded as the typical feature of the architecture Codes: A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,4 C) 1,2,3 D) 1,2,3,4 Ans. D   Q.10 Statements: 1) Pargana was an administrative subdivision of a mughal province 2) Amin was an official responsible for ensuring that imperial regulations were carried out in the provinces Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. C  



Q.1 Statements : 1) Kushans were considered to issue large number of copper coins 2) Kujala kadphises & Kanishka adopted & patronized Buddhism 3) Vima kadphises adopted shaivism & was Shiva devotes Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D   Q.2 Which among the following statements are correct ? 1) Abhidhama Mahavishasa was prepared in fourth Buddhist council 2) During Kanishka’s time Buddhism got divided into Hinayana & Mahayana 3) Rabatak inscription mentions father of Kanishka 4) During Kushan empire Vima kadphises maintained silk route Codes : A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,4 C) 1,2,3 D) 1,2,3,4 Ans. D   Q.3 Which among the following statements regarding Rock edicts are correct ? 1) Rock edict I deals with the prohibition of animal slaughter 2) Rock edict VIII deals with the Ashoka’s first Dhamma yatra to bodhgaya 3) Rummindei pillar inscription mentions Ashoka’s visit to lumbini Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D Rock edict II : provides care for man & animals Rock edict IV : Dhammaghosha is ideal to mankind Nigalisagar pillar inscription describes that Ashoka had increased height of Stupa of  Buddha Konakamana to its double size   Q.4 Which of the following are not included in Mahajanapadas ? 1) Malla 2) Chedi 3) Panchala 4) Kosala 5) Anga Codes: A) 1,3,4,5 B) 2,3,4,5 C) 1,2,3,4 D) All above are included Ans. D Vriji, Matsaya, Surasena, Kasii, Magadha, Avanti, Gandhara, Kamboja are also included  in Mahajanapadas   Q.5 Which of the following are the correct statements regarding Mahayana & Hinayana? 1) Mahayana believes in heavenliness of Buddha 2) Hinayana don’t believes in idol worship 3) Mahayana were based on possibility of universal liberation from suffering of all Beings & existence of Buddhas Codes: A) 1 & 2 B) Only 3 C) 1,2,3 D) Only 2 Ans. C   Q.6 Which of the following statements regarding Ajatshatru are correct ? 1) He has sponsored first Buddhist council 2) Under Udayin Pataliputra became largest city under Mauryas 3) Mahshilakantaka & Rathamusalawere two war equipments used against Licchavis Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D   Q.7 Which among the following statements regarding 2nd Buddhist council are correct ? 1) This council was to settle dispute on Vinay Pitaka 2) It was held after Mahaparinirvana of Buddha 3) Dispute on Vinaypitaka was on 10 points Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. A 1st Buddhist council was held after Mahaparinirvana of Buddha   Q.8 Which among the following statements are correct ? 1) Concept of Moksha was denied by the Buddhism 2) Buddhavamsa mentions 29 Buddhas 3) Buddhacharita deals with Buddha’s life which was written in Sanskrit language Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D   Q.9 Which among the following are correct ? 1) Mahavibhasa Sutra deals with Vasumitra 2) Lalitvistara deals with biography of Buddha 3) Divyavadana deals with Mauryan & Sunga history Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D   Q.10 Which among the following are the findings at Mohenjodaro ? 1) Bronze figure of dancing girl 2) Seal of mother goddess 3) Cotton weaving 4) Evidence of violent & killing Codes: A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,4 C) 1,2,3 D) 1,2,3,4 Ans. D   Q.11 In context with the Indus valley civilization which among the following statements are correct ? 1) They were not aware of the use of Iron 2) Seals were in the range from 1 to 5 cm & the most remarkable was Pashupati seal 3) Surkotda & Dholavira were the two burial practices Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D   Q.12 Which among the following statements regarding Nangiarkoothu is/are correct which was the part of ancient Sanskrit theatre koodiattam ? 1) It is a solo performance comprises of acting and dancing 2) It is performed by both men & women from nambiar community Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. A It is performed only by a woman from nambiar community. Hence it is called as nangiar koothu. Nangiar means women. Themizhavu is played by male member and kuzhithalam is played by the female member of the nambiar community.   Q.13 Who was a proponent of Bhakti cult? 1. Nagarjuna 2. Tukaram 3. Tyagaraja 4. Vallabhacharya Codes: A) 1,2,3 B) 1,2,3,4 C) 2,3,4 D) 4 & 3 Ans. C   Q.14 In context with the Madhubani Paintings which among the following statements are correct ? 1) Madhubani painting or Mithila painting is a style of Indian painting, practiced in the Mithila region of Bihar state 2) Painting is done with fingers, twigs, brushes, nib-pens, and matchsticks, using natural dyes and pigments 3) It is characterized by eye-catching geometrical patterns Codes: A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) All are correct Ans. D   Q. 15  Which among the following statements regarding Thitambunritham  is/are correct which is a ritual art form of Kerala? 1) The dancer usually carries aloft of 10-3 kgs & carry a lamp 2) It involves only footwork Codes: A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. A North Kerala has many rich art traditions, of which “Thitambu Nritham” is one. It is mainly performed by Namboothiris of this part of Kerala, and rarely other Braahmanan communities, say for example, Embranthiris. Late Vethiramana Sreedharan Namboodiri could easily be called the “Father of Thitambu Nritham”. Luckily this ritualistic art form has not died out with his withdrawal from the stage. Experts in this field like sri Matamana Sankaran Embranthiri and his disciple Brahmasree Puthumana Govindan Namboothiri are carrying on the great tradition in


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