Q.1 Examine the information given below:

If the value of the Indian rupee goes on decreasing like this in the international markets, then India will face an economic crisis like Europe, and the person responsible for it will be the lazy and greedy politician.
Which of the following is a definite conclusion that can be drawn from the above information?

  1. A) International markets are facing an economic meltdown.
    B) Europe has recovered from an economic crisis.
    C) Consolidation of the Indian rupee will present an economic crisis.
    D) It is too late and even politicians cannot do anything about it now.

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Ans. C



Q.2 Examine the statements given below:

All industries require intellectual.
Good institutions provide intellectuals.
Many famous personalities are alumni of good institutions.
Students of good institutions get good placements.

Which of the following is a valid conclusion that can be drawn from the above statements?
A) Institutions help industry to grow.
B) Every famous personality studied at a good institution.
C) All good placements come from good institutions.
D) Studying at a good institution boosts one’s career.

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Ans. D



Q.3 Examine the statements given below:

All books of X publications in a library have copyright.
Some of the library books are on history.
X publication started the copyright after year 2005.

Which of the following is a valid conclusion that can be drawn from the above statements?

  1. A) Some copyright history books in the library belong to X publication.
    B) All history books covering events from 2006 onwards have copyright.
    C) Books other than X publication do not have copyright.
    D) None of these

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Ans. D



  1. 4 Consider the information given below:

If the US attacks Syria to prevent Syria from developing a chemical weapon, Syria might get spurred to actually develop one and attack the US with it, leading to an all-out war.
Which of the following is a definite conclusion that can be drawn from the above information?

  1. A) Syria will misuse a chemical weapon if it ever manages to develop one.
    B) Syria will stop the manufacture of a chemical weapon.
    C) Misuse of chemical weapons will lead to war.
    D) The US is going to attack Syria.

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Ans. C



Read the following :

All good sportsmen want to win and all sportsmen who want to win eat a balanced diet; therefore, all sportsmen who do not eat a balanced diet are bad sportsmen.
Q.5 Which of the following, if true, would refute the assumptions of the argument above?

  1. A) A, the sprinter, wants to win, but he is not a good sportsman.
    B) B, the officer, eats a balanced diet, but is not a good sportsman.
    C) All the players of a basketball team eat a well-balanced diet.
    D) C, a cricketer, does not eat a well balanced diet, but is a good sportsman.

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Ans. C



Q.6 If the assumptions of the above argument are true, which of the following statements has to be true?

  1. A) No bad sportsman wants to win.
    B) No sportsman who does not eat a well balanced diet is a good sportsman.
    C) Every sportsman is a good sportsman if he eats a well balanced diet.
    D) All athletes who want to win are good athletes.

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Ans. B



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