Q.1 The admission ticket for an exhibition bears a password which is changed after every clock hour based on set of words chosen for each day. The following is an illustration of the code and steps of rearrangement for subsequent clock hours. The time is 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Day’s first password :  
      First Batch ——- 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. is not ready cloth simple harmony burning
      Second Batch — 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.ready not is cloth burning harmony simple
      Third Batch —— 11 a.m. to 12 noon cloth is not ready simple harmony burning
      Fourth Batch —- 12 noon to 1 p.m.not is cloth ready burning harmony simple
      Fifth Batch — —1 p.m. to 2 p.m.ready cloth is not simple harmony burning and so on. 
If the password for 11 a.m. to 12 noon was — “soap shy miss pen yet the she”, what was the password for the first batch ?  
A) pen miss shy soap she the yet
B) shy miss pen soap yet the she
C) soap pen miss shy she the yet
D) miss shy soap pen she the yet

Ans. B
Clearly, the given arrangement is as under :
In the first step, the first three and the last three letters are written in a reverse order.
Then, the first four and the last three letters are written in a reverse order.
The process is repeated to obtain successive output steps. 


Third batch : soap shy miss pen yet the she


Second batch : pen miss shy soap she the yet


First batch : shy miss pen soap yet the she



Examine the following information & answer the questions according to that :

1. Mr. A Converses in Hindi & Tamil

2. Mr. B converses in Hindi & English

3. Mr. C Converses in English & Tamil

4. Mr. D Converses in Bengali & Hindi

5. Mr. E Converses in Bengali who is a native tamil

Q.2 Which of the following can act as a interpreter when Mr. C & Mr. D wish to 

Converse ?

A) Mr. A

B) Mr. B

C) Mr. E

D) Any of the three

Ans. D

Q.3 Which of the following cannot converse without an interpreter ?

A) Mr. B & E

B) Mr. A & B

C) Mr. A & C

D) Mr. B & D

Ans. A

Q.4 Besides Mr. E which of the following can converse with Mr. D without an 

interpreter ?

A) Mr. A

B) Mr. B

C) Mr. C

D) Mr. A & B

Ans. D

Q.5 Languages spoken at this conference, which are the two at least common ?

A) English & Hindi

B) English & Bengali

C) Tamil & Hindi

D) English & Tamil

Ans. B

Q.6 If a sixth executive is brought in to be understood by the maximum number of the original five , he should be fluent in:

A) English & Bengali

B) Tamil & English

C) Bengali & Tamil

D) Tamil & Hindi

Ans. D

Hindi is spoken by three- A,B, D

Tamil is spoken by three- A,C & E

English is spoken by two- B & C

Bengali is spoken by two- D & E

Q.7 Examine the following statements:
1) Some Engineers are bureaucrats.
2) No bureaucrat is rich.
Which of the following is a valid conclusion regarding above arguments ?
A. No engineer is rich
B. No bureaucrat is engineer
C. Some engineers are rich
D. Some bureaucrats are engineers
Ans. D

Q.8 examine the information:

1) No student is lazy

2) All lazy persons are unsuccessful.

Which of the following is the valid conclusion regarding above arguments?

A) No student is unsuccessful

B) All unsuccessful persons are lazy

C) Some unsuccessful persons are lazy

D) No unsuccessful persons are students

Ans. C


Examine the information given below:

1. Kush,Ganesh & Hari are intelligent

2. Kush,Ram & Jivan are hard working

3. Ram, Hari & Jivan are honest

4. Kush, Ganesh & Jivan are ambitious.

Q.9 Which of the following persons is neither hardworking nor ambitious ?

A. Kush

B. Ganesh

C. Hari

D. Ram

Ans. C


Q.10 Which of the following persons is neither honest nor hardworking but is ambitious?

A) Kush

B) Ganesh

C) Ram

D) Hari

Ans. B

Q.11 A, B, C, D and E are sitting on a bench. A is sitting next to B, C is sitting next to D, D is not sitting with E who is on the left end of the bench. C is on the second position from the right. A is to the right of B and E. A and C are sitting together. In which position A is sitting ?

A) Between B and D

B) Between B and C

C) Between E and D

D) Between C and E

Ans. B


A is sitting in between B and C

Q.12  Which one will replace the question mark ? 


A) 64




Ans. A

The numbers are squared in ascending order
In first circle,
(3)2 = 9
(4)2 = 16
(5)2 = 25
(6)2 = 36.
In second circle,
(4)2 = 16
(5)2 = 25
(6)2 = 36
(7)2 = 49.
In third circle,
(6)2 = 36
(7)2 = 49
(8)2 = 64
(9)2 = 81.
Q.13 Pointing towards a boy, Veena said, “He is the son of the only son of my grandfather”. How is that boy related to Veena?

A) Brother
B) Nephew
C) Father
D) None of these
Ans. A


Q.14 Pointing to Kapil, Shilpa said, “His mother’s brother is the father of my son Ashish”. How is Kapil related to Shilpa?

A) Sister–in–law
B) Nephew
C) Niece
D) Aunt
Ans. B

Kapil is the nephew of Shilpa. 





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