Q. 1 Consider the following statements : 1.A labour court recommendation under the terms of Industrial relations act, 1946-1990 may be appealed to Labour relations commissioner 2. A labour court shall consist of only one person to be appointed by the appropriate government Select the correct answer using the codes given below : A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Q.2 Which among the following statements correctly denotes to the term “Gherao” ? A) It is Physical blockade of a target either by retrenchment intended to block the regress & ingress from & to particular office , workshop etc. B) It is done to stop others from going to work & continue striking C) It is the strike where workers refrain from having food D) It is the form of strike wherein there is a deliberate delaying of production by the workmen pretending to be engaged in working Q.3  Consider the following : 1. Equal Remuneration Act                                          1976 2. Code on Wages                                                            2019 3. Second National commission on Labour            1999 Select the correct answer using the codes given below : A) 1 & 3 B) Only 2 C) 2 & 3 D) 1,2,3   Q.4 Which among the following case comes under the category of Strikes & lock Out ? A) Syndicate bank vs Umesh Nayak A.I.R 1995 B) Indian Express Newspaper Vs State of Bengal 2005 C) Bata Shoe Ltd Vs D.N. Ganguly AIR 1961 D) Randhi Singh Vs Union of India AIR 1982    Q.5 With reference to the Atal Beemit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana , consider the following statements : 1. Allotment of labour Identification Number is one of the objective of this scheme 2. The maximum duration for which an IP shall be eligible to draw the relief will be 60 days Select the correct answer using the codes given below : A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect   



Q.1 Consider the following statement s: 1.Wages paid for installation of Machinery is debited to the Installation Account 2. Installation account is the part of the cost of machinery which is a fixed asset Select the correct answer using the codes given below : A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Q.2 With reference to the Trade Union Act 1926, consider the following : 1. Registration of trade Union is made compulsory under this Act 2. As per this Act, No trade union of workmen shall be registered unless at least 5%is engaged or employed in establishment Select the correct answer using the codes given below : A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Q.3  With reference to the Contract Labour Act 1970, consider the following : 1. This act is not applicable to all the establishments 2. It applies to every contractor employing twenty or more workmen Select the correct answer using the codes given below : A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Q.4 Which among the following is the Public Sector Insurance Company ? 1.General Insurance Corporation of India 2.The New India Assurance Company Limited 3. SBI Life Insurance 4. United India Assurance Company Select the correct answer using the codes given below : A) 1,2,4 B) 2,3,4 C) Only 2 & 3 D) All are correct Q.5  With reference to the Payment of Wages Act 1936, consider the following : 1. This Act applies to all whose wages exceed 21000 rupees per month 2. The total amount of fine imposed on any employed person shall  not exceed an amount equal to 3% of wages Select the correct answer using the codes given below : A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect



COPYRIGHT FRAMED QUESTION Q.10 FOR EPFO/APFC  FRAMED FROM WIKEPDIA Q. With reference to the Pradhan Mantri Laghu Vyapari Mandhan Yojana, consider the following statements : 1. Minimum monthly pension of Rs. 3000 per month after attaining the age of 60 yearsto shopkeepers  , retail traders & self employed person 2. To be eligible ,the applicants should be covered under the National Pension Scheme Select the correct answer using the codes given below : A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. A Pradhan Mantri Laghu Vyapari Mandhan Yojana 2019 : 1. Minimum monthly pension of Rs. 3000 per month after attaining the age of 60 yearsto shopkeepers  , retail traders & self employed person 2. To be eligible ,the applicants should not be covered under the National Pension Scheme COPYRIGHT FRAMED QUESTION Q.9 FOR EPFO/APFC  FRAMED FROM WIKEPDIA Q. With reference to the Premium rates of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana , which among the following is/are correctly matched ? 1. Rabi      2% of Sum Insured 2. Kharif    1.5% of Sum Insured 3. Kharif & Rabi 5 % of Sum Insured Select the correct answer using the codes given below : A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Only 3 D) All are incorrect Ans. C 1. Rabi      1.5% of Sum Insured 2. Kharif        2% of Sum Insured 3. Kharif & Rabi 5 % of Sum Insured COPYRIGHT FRAMED QUESTION Q.8 FOR EPFO/APFC  FRAMED FROM WIKEPDIA Q. With reference to the Insurance, What is Floater Policy ? A) A policy under the farms of which protection follows movable property , covering it wherever it may be B) A policy designed to reimburse property owners from loss due to defined peril of flood C) A policy provides all risk coverages , subject to reasonable exclusions for valuabe items such as furs, jewellery, Cameras D) All of the above Ans. A Floater Policy :A policy under the farms of which protection follows movable property , covering it wherever it may be Flood Insurance : A policy designed to reimburse property owners from loss due to defined peril of flood Personal Articles Floater : A policy provides all risk coverages , subject to reasonable exclusions for valuabe items such as furs, jewellery, Cameras COPYRIGHT FRAMED QUESTION Q.7 FOR EPFO/APFC  FRAMED FROM WIKEPDIA Q. With reference to the Computer, what is DCAF ? A) Document Coprocessor Access Facility B) Distributed Console Automated File C) Distributed Console Access Facility D) Disk Coprocessor Automated File Ans. C DCAF : Distributed Console Access Facility COPYRIGHT FRAMED QUESTION Q.6 FOR EPFO/APFC  FRAMED FROM WIKEPDIA Q. With reference to the PM Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana , consider the following statements : 1. Maximum contribution from the workers can’t exceed Rs. 2200 2. Monthly income of the worker should be below Rs. 10,000 Select the correct answer using the code given below : A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. D -Maximum contribution from the workers can’t exceed Rs. 2400 -Monthly income of the worker should be below Rs. 15000 -It is available to unorganized workers between 18 to 40 yrs of age – Subscriber will receive a minimum assured pension of Rs. 3,000 per year after attaining age of 60 years COPYRIGHT FRAMED QUESTION Q.5 FOR EPFO/APFC  FRAMED FROM WIKEPDIA Q. Which among the following are included in Voucher ? 1. Cash Payment 2. Cash Receipt 3. Credit Transactions Select the correct answer using the code given below : A) Only 3 B) 2 & 3 C) 1 & 2 D) 1,2,3 Ans. D Following comes under Voucher : 1. Cash Payment 2. Cash Receipt 3. Credit Transactions COPYRIGHT FRAMED QUESTION Q.4 FOR EPFO/APFC  FRAMED FROM WIKEPDIA Q. Which among the following is/are correctly matched : LABOUR LAWS               YEAR 1. Payment of Wages Act        1948 2. Workmen’s compensation  Act     1923 3. Trade Union Act             1926 Select the correct answer using the codes given below : A) 1 & 3 B) 2 & 3 C) Only 3 D) 1,2,3 Ans. B 1. Payment of Wages Act            1936 2. Workmen’s compensation  Act         1923 3. Trade Union Act             1926 COPYRIGHT CHALLENGE QUESTION Q.3 FOR EPFO/APFC  FRAMED FROM WIKEPDIA Q. With reference to the Minimum wages Act 1948,which among the following is/are the norm(s) for fixing the minimum wage : 1. Minimum food requirement of 2100 calories per average Indian adult 2. Cloth requirement of 72 yards per annum per family Select the correct answer using the codes given below : A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect Ans. B Minimum food requirement of 2700 calories per average Indian adult Cloth requirement of 72 yards per annum per family Three consumption units per earner COPYRIGHT FRAMED QUESTION Q. FOR EPFO/APFC  FRAMED FROM WIKEPDIA Which among the following constitutes the Non-tax revenues of the government ? 1. Interest payments 2.Union Excise duties 3.Grants-in aid for creation of capital assets How many of the above are correct A) Only one B) Only two C) All three D) None Ans. D EXPENDITURES OF THE GOVERNMENT : 3.Revenue Expenditure NON TAX REVENUE : 1.Interest receipts COPYRIGHT FRAMED QUESTION Q. FOR EPFO/APFC  FRAMED FROM WIKEPDIA Q. With reference to Economic curves, Consider the following : 1. Kuznets curve : Shows that states lower tax rates boosts economic growth 2. Laffer curve : Shows the relationship between economic growth & inequality 3. Lorentz curve : It is a graph depicting of income inequality or wealth inequality How many of the above are correct A) Only one B) Only two C) All three D) None Ans. A 3RD STATEMENT IS CORRECT Kuznets curve : Shows the relationship between economic growth & inequality Laffer curve : Shows that states lower tax rates boosts economic growth Lorentz curve : It is a graph depicting of income inequality or wealth inequality

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