Q.1 Which of the following are the reasons for signing PEACE(Promoting energy Access through clean energy) a MoU between India & USA ?

1) To improve economic conditions in rural households & communities

2) Skill development & Information sharing

3) Technology Innovation


A) 1 & 3

B) 2 & 3

C) 1 & 2

D) 1,2,3

Ans. D


Q.2 Which of the following are the guidelines issued by the Nuclear Security summit 2014  that was held at Hague ?

1) To improve International exchange of information & International Cooperation

2) To reduce the amount of dangerous nuclear material

3) It only covers Uranium & Plutonium radioactive materials


A) 1 & 3

B) 2 & 3

C) 1 & 2

D) 1,2,3

Ans. C


Q.3 Which of the following diseases are included in the vector born diseases ?

1) Malaria

2) Chikungunya

3) kala Azar

4) Japanese encephalititis

5) Dengue


A) 1,3,4,5

B) 2,3,4,5

C) 1,2,3,4

D) 1,2,3,4,5

Ans. D


Q.4 Statements:

1) Japanese encephalitis is a mosquito borne viral infection

2) Newly manufactured vaccine of Japanese Encephalitis will provide short term protection from Japanese encephalitis.


A) Only 1

B) only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. A


Q.5 Which among the following are the biopolymers ?

1) Nucleic acids

2) Carbohyadrates

3) Proteins

4) Lipids


A) 1,3,4

B) 2,3,4

C) Only 1 & 2

D) 1,2,3,4

Ans. D


Q.6 Consider the following statements:

1) Among Fats, Carbohydrates and Proteins, the last resort as a source of Energy is Protein

2) Among Fats, Carbohydrates and Proteins, the highest comparative value of energy is of Fats


A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. B


Q.7 In context with Cholesterol in Human Body, consider the following statements:


1. It is synthesized in Human Body


2. It is essential for life


3. It is precursor for the biosynthesis of Vitamin D


4. The level of cholesterol in body can be controlled by Statins



A) 1,3,4

B) 1,2,4

C) 2,3,4

D) 1,2,3,4

Ans. D


Q.8 In terms of evolution of organisms, the prokaryotes are considered to be primitive because their cells :


1) Lack well defined nucleus


2) Lack important cell organelles


3) Lack DNA and RNA



A) 1 & 3

B) 2 & 3

C) 1 & 2

D) 1,2,3


Ans. C


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