Q.1 For which of the following products ISO certification is mandatory ?

1. Thermometers

2. Drinking water

3. LPG Cylinders

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 1 & 3

B) Only 2

C) 2 & 3

D) 1,2,3

Ans. D

Product Certifications are to be obtained voluntarily. For, some of the products like Milk powder, Drinking Water, LPG Cylinders, Thermometers etc., certification is mandatory. Because these products are concerned with health and safety

Q.2 Which among the following statements is/are true with respect to the 2,4-D ( 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) ?

1.  In agriculture, it is the first herbicide found to be capable of selectively killing of crops apart from weeds

2. Mostly grasses such as cereals, lawn turf, and grassland relatively unaffected by this herbicide

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. B

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (usually called 2,4-D) is an organic compound with the chemical formula C8H6Cl2O3. It is a systemic herbicide which selectively kills most broadleaf weeds by causing uncontrolled growth in them, but leaves most grasses such as cereals, lawn turf, and grassland relatively unaffected.

 It can be found in numerous commercial lawn herbicide mixtures, and is widely used as a weedkiller on cereal crops, pastures, and orchards.

2,4-D was one of the ingredients in Agent Orange, a herbicide widely used during the Vietnam War

2,4-D is primarily used as a selective herbicide which kills many terrestrial and aquatic broadleaf weeds, but not grasses.

 It acts by mimicking the action of the plant growth hormone auxin, which results in uncontrolled growth and eventually death in susceptible plants

 In agriculture, it was the first herbicide found to be capable of selectively killing weeds but not crops.

 It is often used by government agencies to control the spread of invasive, noxious and non-native weed species and prevent them from crowding out native species, and also to control many poisonous weeds such as poison ivy and poison oak

Men who work with 2,4-D are at risk for abnormally shaped sperm and thus fertility problems;

Residue levels in kidney were the highest

2,4-D is a synthetic auxin, which is a class of plant hormones.

Q.3 Which among the following is/are true with respect to the subatomic particles Baryon ?

1. These are the quark-based particles that participate in the strong interaction

2. They are similar in functioning as compared to the lepton & Mesons

3. Protons & neutrons are the only baryons that make up most of the mass of the visible matter in the universe

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 1 & 2

B) 2 & 3

C) Only 1

D) 1,2,3

Ans. C

A baryon is a composite subatomic particle made up of three quarks (a triquark, as distinct from mesons, which are composed of one quark and one antiquark). Baryons and mesons belong to the hadron family of particles, which are the quark-based particles.

As quark-based particles, baryons participate in the strong interaction, whereas leptons, which are not quark-based, do not. The most familiar baryons are the protons and neutrons that make up most of the mass of the visible matter in the universe. Electrons (the other major component of the atom) are leptons.

Each baryon has a corresponding antiparticle (antibaryon) where quarks are replaced by their corresponding antiquarks. For example, a proton is made of two up quarks and one down quark; and its corresponding antiparticle, the antiproton, is made of two up antiquarks and one down antiquark.

Q.4 Which among the following is/are the examples of the e-liquids that are used in e-cigarettes ?

1. Water

2. Nicotine

3. Glycerine

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 2

B) 2 & 3

C) 1 & 3

D) 1,2,3

Ans. D

An electronic cigarette or e-cigarette is a handheld electronic device that tries to create the feeling of tobacco smoking. It works by heating a liquid to generate an aerosol, commonly called a “vapor”, that the user inhales. Using e-cigarettes is sometimes called vaping. The liquid in the e-cigarette, called e-liquid, is usually made of nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerine, and flavorings. Not all e-liquids contain nicotine

The health risks of e-cigarettes are uncertain. They are likely safer than tobacco cigarettes, but the long-term health effects are not known

They can help some smokers quit. When used by non-smokers, e-cigarettes can lead to nicotine addiction, and there is concern that children could start smoking after using e-cigarettes

 Less serious adverse effects include throat and mouth irritation, vomiting, nausea, and coughing

The majority of toxic chemicals found in tobacco smoke are absent in e-cigarette aerosol.

Those present are mostly below 1% corresponding levels in tobacco smoke

The emergence of e-cigarettes has given cannabis smokers a new method of inhaling cannabinoids. E-cigarettes differ from traditional marijuana cigarettes in several respects. It is assumed that vaporizing cannabinoids at lower temperatures is safer because it produces smaller amounts of toxic substances than the hot combustion of a marijuana cigarette

E-liquid is the mixture used in vapor products such as e-cigarettes and generally consists of propylene glycol, glycerin, water, nicotine, and flavorings

Smoking a traditional cigarette yields between 0.5 and 1.5 mg of nicotine, but the nicotine content of the cigarette is only weakly correlated with the levels of nicotine in the smoker’s bloodstream

 Nicotine in tobacco smoke is absorbed into the bloodstream rapidly, and e-cigarette vapor is relatively slow in this regard.

The concentration of nicotine in e-liquid ranges up to 36 mg/Ml

Q.5 Which among the following is/are true in context with the 5-star rated celing fans ?

1. These are 50% more energy efficient as compared to the conventional fans

2. These are rated at 75 watts as compared to earlier fans at 50 watts

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. D

These fans are 30% more energy efficient as compared to conventional fans

The earlier fans were rated at 75 Watts, but the new fans are rated at 50 Watts (30% savings).

Q.6 Which among the following is/are true with respect to the Gene Transfer Format ?

1. It is a tab-delimited doc format specific to the gene information

2. It reduces problems with the interchange of data between groups.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. B

The Gene transfer format (GTF) is a file format used to hold information about gene structure. It is a tab-delimited text format based on the general feature format (GFF), but contains some additional conventions specific to gene information. A significant feature of the GTF is that it is validatable: given a sequence and a GTF file, one can check that the format is correct.

This significantly reduces problems with the interchange of data between groups.

Q.7 With reference to the news, which of the following is correct with respect to the ADDU Declaration ?

A) It is the declaration by the BRICS members to improve the global economic situation and reforming financial institutions,

B) It is a twenty points declaration issued by the SSARC members with the aim of building bridges

C) It is the declaration in the Paris summit to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions

D) It is the declaration issued in the Maldives conference highlighting the terrorist & social issues

Ans. B

•       Addu is the second largest city of Mamldives (capital is Male), where 17th SAARC conference was held. (September 2011)

•       Theme of this Addu summit : Building Bridges.

•       The leaders of SAARC Nations, issued a 20-points declaration here, which is known as “Addu Declaration”.

Q.8 Which of the following is/are correct with respect to the Generic drugs ?

1. These are manufactured by the private companies under the government regulations

2. These contain the same active ingredients as brand formulations but with reduced excipients

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. D

A generic drug is a pharmaceutical drug that is equivalent to a brand-name product in dosage, strength, route of administration, quality, performance, and intended use A generic drug must contain the same active ingredients as the original brand-name formulation. Biopharmaceuticals such as monoclonal antibodies differ biologically from small molecule drugs. Generic versions of these drugs, known as biosimilars, are typically regulated under an extended set of rules. They may not be associated with a particular company, generic drugs are usually subject to government regulations in the countries where they are dispensed. They are labeled with the name of the manufacturer and a generic nonproprietary name such as the United States Adopted Name or international nonproprietary name of the drug. A generic drug must contain the same active ingredients as the original brand-name formulation.

Q.9 Which among the following languages has been awarded the distinction of classical language ?

1. Marathi

2. Malayalam

3. Kannada

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 2 & 3

B) 1 & 2

C) 1 & 3

D) 1,2,3

Ans. A

The Government of India has awarded the distinction of classical language to Tamil, Sanskrit, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam and Odia. The southern Indian languages are from the Dravidian family. The Dravidian languages are classified in four groups: North, Central (Kolami–Parji), South-Central (Telugu–Kui) and South Dravidian (Tamil-Kannada) Each of the northern Indian languages had different influences. For example, Hindustani was strongly influenced by Sanskrit, Persian, and Arabic, leading to the emergence of Modern Standard Hindi and Modern Standard Urdu as registers of the Hindustani language

Q.10 Which among the following is/are correct ?

1. Vector mediated recombinant gene transfer can be done from one eukaryote to another eukaryote only

2. Vector mediated recombinant gene transfer can be done from one animal cell to plant cell

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. B

Vector-mediated gene transfer is carried out either by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation or by use of plant viruses as vectors. Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a soil-borne, Gram-negative bacterium. It is rod shaped and motile, and belongs to the bacterial family of Rhizobiaceae. A. tumefaciens is a phytopathogen, and is treated as the nature’s most effective plant genetic engineer.

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