Q.1 Recently our scientists have discovered a huge area that is reported to host microorganisms, which

are ready to remove all the nitrogen from the water but traces of oxygen stop them from doing so.

Where it has been discovered ?

A) Bay of Bengal

B) Arabian sea

C) Indian Ocean

D) Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Ans. A

Huge dead zone discovered in the Bay of Bengal

Researchers have discovered a huge area covering about 60000 square km that has little or no oxygen in

the Bay of Bengal. The zone is reported to host microorganisms, which are ready to remove all the

nitrogen from the water but traces of oxygen stop them from doing so.

About Dead zones

• Dead zones are large areas in the ocean that have low oxygen concentration.

• The marine life in these areas mostly suffocates and dies or if they are mobile like the fish then,

they leave the area.

• Though at many times, dead zones occur naturally, scientists are also of the opinion that they are

created due to increased human activity.

• The main cause of the zones created by humans is nutrient pollution. Excess nutrients (nitrogen and

phosphorus) can result in the overgrowth of algae, which later decomposes in the water consuming

excess oxygen, depleting the supply available for the marine life.

Dead zones can be found in virtually every oceanic body, the largest encompassing almost the whole

bottom of the Baltic Sea.

Another large dead zone is located in the Gulf of Mexico. Other dead zones occur off the western coasts

of North and South America and off the coast of Namibia and western coast of India.

Global warming triggered by climate change is predicted to lead to an expansion of these dead zones.

However, it is not certain whether the climate change would lead to the removal of the last traces of

oxygen from the bay as well.

Q.2 Which among the following is not the member state of the MERCOSUR ?

A) Argentina

B) Brazil

C) New Zealand

D) Paraguay

Ans. C

South America’s Trade Bloc Mercosur removes Venezuela for failure to follow rules

Mercosur’s member states, in a letter addressed to Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez,

stated that the “oil-rich country had been stripped of membership rights immediately and that it will

be required to renegotiate its membership.”

About Mercosur

• Mercosur is a sub-regional bloc.

• Its full members are Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.

• Its associate countries are Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Suriname, while the observer

countries are New Zealand and Mexico.

• The purpose of the bloc is to promote free trade and the fluid movement of goods, people and currency.

• The official languages of the bloc are Spanish, Portuguese and Guarani.

• The motto of the bloc is “Our North is the South.”

Q.3 China launches TanSat satellite to monitor global carbon emissions. With reference to the Tansat Satellite consider the following statements :

1. The satellite was sent into a sun synchronous orbit about 700 kms above the earth.

2.  It has a very good vision and can distinguish as small as 1 percent changes in atmospheric CO2

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. C

China launches TanSat satellite to monitor global carbon emissions

The Satellite weighs around 620-kg and it will be located in sun synchronous orbit about 700 kms above

the earth while serving three-year mission life.

Highlights of the TanSat satellite

• The chief designer of TanSat is Yin Zengshan who works at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

• The satellite was sent into a sun synchronous orbit about 700 kms above the earth.

• It will monitor the concentration, distribution and flow of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere.

• It has a very good vision and can distinguish as small as 1 percent changes in atmospheric CO2.

• It will help understanding the climate change and will provide China’s policy makers with independent


Q.4 Which of the following statements best describes “carbon Disclosure Project 2019”?

A) An initiative of the Global Reporting, aimed at measuring the carbon reduction activities undertaken by different companies and firms operating in various countries across the globe

B) It has been launched by the government of India to reduce the black carbon through the promotion of solar plants , lamps, biogas plants & efficient stoves

C) It has been launched by the environmentalist group to reduce mega tones of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere

D) It has been launched by the government of India aimed to increase the plant growth by reducing the most potent greenhouse gases

Ans. A

India ranks 5th in Carbon Disclosure Project 2019

India is the first developing economy with maximum number of companies committing to the science-based


Carbon Disclosure Project, an initiative of the Global Reporting Initiative, is aimed at measuring the

carbon reduction activities undertaken by different companies and firms operating in various countries

across the globe.

The report surveys corporate commitments to science-based targets (SBT) and evaluates the climate

change risk that they are exposed to.

In the annual report, the United States of America secured the top spot followed by Japan, United

Kindom and France.

India secured the 5th spot on the project report.

Q.5 Global Democracy Index is released by :

A) World Social Forum

B) Economist Intelligence Unit

C) World Economic Forum

D) World Justice Report

Ans. B

EIU’s Global Democracy Index: India slips 10 spots to 51st rank, Norway tops the list

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) releases an annual index of 167 independent countries, which

broadly shows the status of democracy in these countries.

Q.6 Consider the following statements :

1. Anthracite has high carbon content & low ash content , thus  causes less pollution

2. India has sufficient reserves of Lignite & Anthracite coal

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. A

**India imports Anthracite coal mainly from Australia to meet its requirements

**Indian coal reserves are mostly Lignite & Bituminous

**Lignite has high moisture content , so it breaks easily

**Bituminous coal has high calorific value & used as a coking coal

Q.7 With reference to the International Nitrogen Initiative , consider the following statements :

1. It was set up in 2005 under sponsorship of the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment

(SCOPE) and from the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP)

2. INI holds a conference once in every three years, inviting members of the international nitrogen

community to meet up and discuss ideas and exchange knowledge on nitrogen issues.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. B

The International Nitrogen Initiative (INI) is an international program, set up in 2003 under

sponsorship of the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) and from the

International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP).

Role of new Chairs of INI

•   The other INI projects under their purview include the “N-print” activity on nitrogen

foot-printing and cooperation with the Global Carbon Project on establishment of a global nitrous

oxide budget.

• The INI holds a conference once in every three years, inviting members of the international nitrogen

community to meet up and discuss ideas and exchange knowledge on nitrogen issues.

Q.8 NITI Aayog released Thematic Reports on Sustainable Development in Indian Himalayan Region. Which

among the following thematic area is not covered in the Thematic reports ?

A) Transformative Approach to Shifting Cultivation

B) Purchasing Power Parity of Population

C) Sustainable Tourism in Indian Himalayan Region

D) Data/Information for Informed Decision Making

Ans. B

The NITI Aayog on August 23, 2018 released the five Thematic Reports on Sustainable Development in e

Indian Himalayan Region (IHR), listing the challenges in all the defined 5 thematic areas.

The reports discuss the significance, the challenges, the ongoing actions and a future roadmap.

Earlier in June 2017, the NITI Aayog had set up 5 Working Groups to prepare a roadmap for actions in

5 thematic areas that are quite significant for the Himalayas. These areas were:

•   Inventory and Revival of Springs in Himalayas for Water Security

•   Sustainable Tourism in Indian Himalayan Region

•   Transformative Approach to Shifting Cultivation

•   Strengthening Skill & Entrepreneurship Landscape in Himalayas

•   Data/Information for Informed Decision Making

Q.9 European Space Agency launches world’s first wind-sensing satellite Aeolus. With reference to the

satellite, consider the following statements :

1.  It is part of the Copernicus project, a joint initiative of European Union (EU) and European Space

Agency (ESA) to track environmental damage and aid disaster relief operations

2. It will be placed at altitude of 320km above the Earth

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. C

European Space Agency launches world’s first wind-sensing satellite Aeolus

• European Space Agency (ESA) successfully launched wind-sensing satellite named ‘Aeolus’ into orbit

on board of Vega rocket from French Guyana.

• It is world’s first wind-sensing satellite dedicated to map Earth’s wind on global scale

.• It will be placed at altitude of 320km above the Earth.

• It is part of the Copernicus project, a joint initiative of European Union (EU) and European Space

Agency (ESA) to track environmental damage and aid disaster relief operations.

Q.10 Union Cabinet approves Earth Sciences Ministry’s umbrella scheme ‘O-SMART’. What  benefit(s) will

be provided by implementation of this scheme ?

A) It will help address issues related to Sustainable Development Goal-14, which emphasises on the

conservation of the oceans and marine resources

B) It will provide scientific information on the status of species at a global level

C)It  will help address issues related to Sustainable Development Goal-11, which emphasises on the

conservation of the oceans and marine resources

D) It is a central sponsored scheme focuses on improving the management of water & land resources,

enhancing food security & reducing poverty

Ans. A

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved implementation of an umbrella scheme ‘Ocean

Services, Technology, Observations, Resources Modelling and Science (O-SMART)’.

The scheme will cover a total of 16 sub-projects, which will address ocean development activities such

as services, technology, resources, observations and science.


The services provided under the O-SMART scheme will provide a number of economic benefits to the user

communities in the coastal areas


• The implementation of the scheme will help address issues related to Sustainable Development Goal-14, which emphasises on the conservation of the oceans and marine resources.

-India has also signed the Antarctic Treaty System and joined the Commission of Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) for harnessing the resources. 

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