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Directions: In the following question, five statements are provided. These statements form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these statements.


A.        Similarly, little will be achieved by a debate on the pros and cons of reservations.

B.        It will only aggravate the problem and lead to the fragmentation of the country.

C.        Our government and our people have to give these docile people the chance of a fair deal to live with honour and self–respect.

D.        The power elite, the government, the political parties and the people have to delve deeper into the very reasons why reservation has seemingly become necessary and what needs to be done to eliminate this pernicious practice.

E.        If the Scheduled Castes in India are to rise in revolt because they feel that only violence permits their voice to be heard, the nation will have to pay a very heavy price for this.







Ans. D




Directions: In the following question, five statements are provided. These statements form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these statements.


A.        So, at least one of the basic assumptions must be wrong.

B.        Olbers’ Paradox simple assumptions lead ‘inevitably to the conclusion that the sky should be bright, but in fact the sky is dark’.

C.        You can’t get around it by acknowledging that the Milky Way Galaxy is just an island in space, so that we run out of stars to count at the edge of our galaxy.

D.        There is a technique of argument called reduction ad absurdum, which depends on starting out from some basic assumption and reaching a clearly ridiculous conclusion.

E.        That establishes beyond doubt that the initial assumption was wrong.







Ans. D




Directions: In the following question, five statements are provided. These statements form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these statements.


A.        The new group took up rather a militant attitude against other castes, especially those which were popularly regarded as immediately higher or lower than the caste which it represented.

B.        The sub–castes that joined together to create a big group retained their internal feelings of exclusiveness with undiminishing vigour.

C.        Taking another point of view, that castes should be slowly abolished by consolidation of the sub–castes into larger castes, scholars have said that to propose this point is to miss the real problem.

D.        Thus, scholars claimed that the spirit of caste patriotism or casteism is created; and diminishing of casteism would be very difficult and it would create an unhealthy atmosphere for the full growth of national consciousness.

E.        This method, they claim, was tried in Bombay for a number of decades but the results were disastrous.







Ans. B




Directions: In the following question, five statements are provided. These statements form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these statements.


A.        The figures given are based only on estimates.

B.        Registration with the employment exchanges being voluntary, not all the unemployed register their names in the exchanges.

C.        Though it is often repeated that there has been an alarming rise in unemployment in our country since Independence, the exact number of unemployed persons is not yet known, as no survey has been undertaken either by the Planning Commission or by the National Simple Survey (NSS), or the Central Statistical Organization (CSO) or the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI).

D.        The estimates only take into consideration the number of persons registered in the employment exchanges and these employment exchanges cover mainly the urban areas.

E.        Further, some of the registered persons are already employed but register again to seek better employment.







Ans. A




Directions: In the following question, five statements are provided. These statements form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these statements.


A.        Its proponents admit, however, that sociological explanations involve some form of intellection which is universalistic, call it ‘sociological apperception’, ‘empathy’, or ‘sociological imagination’, but simultaneously they also hold that explanation of specific forms of change in the cultural context of a nation requires delineation of conceptual categories applicable only to that particular culture.

B.        The ideological orientation, however, is not only confined to the formulation of the goals of social change, but also extends to the specific form the sociological categories should have to analyzechange.

C.        This particularism of some Indian sociologists introduces yet another ideological element in the analysis of change.

D.        To achieve this goal is a case for the development of a particularistic or typical Indian sociology is made.

E.        Hence, they claim there should be an Indian sociology distinct from sociology in the West or in other parts of the world.







Ans. A