Q.1 Which of the following expenses require sanction of Parliament ?

1) Defence expenditure

2) Debt charges of the government

3) Maintenance expenditure of embassies

4) Salary & allowances of President & CAG


  1. A) 1 & 3
  2. B) 2 & 4
  3. C) 1 &2
  4. D) 3 & 4

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Ans. A


Q.2 Consider the following statements:

The Supreme Court of  India tenders advice to the President of India on matters of law or fact.

  1. On its own initiative (on any matter of larger public interest).
  2. If he seeks such an advice.

III. Only if the matters relate to the Fundamental Rights of the citizen.


  1. A) I & III
  2. B) II & III
  3. C) I & II
  4. D) All are correct

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Ans. C


Q.3 Which of the following is the basis of difference between the Parliamentary&

Presidential form of Govt.?

  1. A) Power of Judicial review
  2. B) Method of election of President/Head of State
  3. C) Legislative supremacy in law making
  4. D) Relation between the legislature & the executive

Ans. B

Parliamentary Government:

  1. The executive is not separated from the legislature. The members of council of ministers are the members of legislature.
  2. The executive is accountable to the legislature. The executive loses power when it loses the confidence of the legislature.
  3. In the Parliamentary government, one person is head of state while another persons is head of government.
  4. In the Parliamentary systems, the Prime Minister is most powerful.
  5. In the Parliamentary system, the Prime Minister can appoint only the members of parliament as minister.
  6. In the Parliamentary system, the tenure of the executive is not fixed. The Council of Ministers is dismissed if it loses the confidence of the legislature before its tenure is over.
  7. The Parliamentary government is more democratic, because the executive • (council of ministers) is accountable to the legislature (Parliament).
  8. There is less of separation of powers in the Parliamentary government.
  9. During war and other emergencies, the Parliamentary government is relatively less effective and successful.

Presidential Government:

  1. The executive is completely separated I from the legislature. The members of executive are not the members of the legislature.
  2. The executive is not accountable to the II legislature. The legislature cannot remove the executive from power] through no-confidence motion.
  3. In the Presidential government, i same person is head of state as well as head of government.
  4. In the Presidential system, the President is most powerful.
  5. In the Presidential system, the President appoint persons from outside the legislature as minister.
  6. In the Presidential system, executive has a fixed tenure normally, the executive head (President) stays in power for the whole term. It is not easy to remove him from power through impeachment.
  7. The Presidential government is democratic, because the executive (President) is not accountable to the legislature.


Q.4 Examine statements carefully & select the answers to these items using the code given below:

Statement I: Adjournment is a short recess within the session of the Parliament ordered by the Presiding officer of the House.

Statement II : When the Presiding officer adjourns the House without fixing any date or time of the next meeting of the House, it is known as adjournment sine die.

  1. A) Both the statements are individually true & statement II is the correct explanation of statement I.
  2. B) Both the statements are individually true but statement II is the correct explanation of statement I.
  3. C) Statement I is true but Statement II is false.
  4. D) Statement I is false but Statement II is true.

Ans. B

The primary object of an adjournment motion is to draw the attention of the House to a recent matter of urgent public importance having serious consequences and in regard to which a motion or a resolution with proper notice will be too late. The matter proposed to be raised should be of such a character that something very grave which affects the whole country and its security has happened and the House is required to pay its attention immediately by interrupting the normal business of the House.

The adjournment motion is thus an extraordinary procedure which, if admitted, leads to setting aside the normal business of the House for discussing a definite matter of urgent public importance.

The subject matter of the motion must have a direct or indirect relation to the conduct or default on the part of the Union Government and must precisely pin-point the failure of the Government of India in the performance of its duties in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and Law. A matter which falls within the jurisdiction of a State Government is inadmissible, but a matter concerning the constitutional developments in a State or atrocities on the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections of the society which bring the Union Government into picture may be considered for admission on merits. The refusal to give his consent is in the absolute discretion of the Chair and he is not bound to give any reasons therefor.

Before the commencement of a session notices of adjournment motion can at the earliest be given on and after the date notified for the purpose in Bulletin Part-II. This is normally three working days before the commencement of the session. Notices received prior to that date are not considered valid and are returned to the members.

Telegraphic notice is not valid in view of provisions of Rule 332.

During the session period, notice of an adjournment motion should be given by 10.00 hours on the day on which the motion is proposed to be made. Notices received after 10.00 hours are treated as notices given for the next sitting.

As a convention, adjournment motions are not taken up on the day of the President’s Address. Notices received for that day are treated as notices for the next sitting.


Q.5 Which of the following features of the Constitution of India is indicative of the fact that the real executive power is vested in the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister?

  1. A) Federalism
  2. B) Representative legislature
  3. C) Universal adult franchise
  4. D) Parliamentary Democracy

Ans. B


Q.6 Which among the following statements are correct ?

1) Supreme Court settles the disputes between the Centre & States & also within

the states

2) Supreme Court not only reviews the constitution but also the laws enacted by

the parliament

3) Supreme Court acts as the protector of the fundamental rights


  1. A) 1 & 3
  2. B) 2 & 3
  3. C) 1 & 2
  4. D) 1,2,3

Ans. D


Q.7 Which among the following are the constitution provisions relating to Supreme Court ?

1) Power of president to consult Supreme Court

2) Appointment of Ad hoc judges & retired judges

3) Powers of SC to issue writs


  1. A) 1 & 3
  2. B) 2 & 3
  3. C) 1 & 2
  4. D) 1,2,3

Ans. D


Q.8 Which among the following statements are correct ?

1) Judges of the Supreme Court can be removed by the Parliament

2) Salary & pensions of the judges of SC have votable expenditure

3) It is prohibited for the retired judge to get appointed for some work of



  1. A) 1 & 3
  2. B) 1,2,3
  3. C) 2 & 3
  4. D) All are incorrect

Ans. D

Judges of the Supreme Court can be removed by the President on the basis of resolution passed by both the houses of Parliament Salary & pensions of the judges of SC have non- votable expenditure charged from Consolidated fund of India There is no prohibition for the retired judge to get appointed for some work of  Government.


Q.9 Cases in the form of appeals against judgement of the lower court comes under which of the following ?

  1. A) Original jurisdiction
  2. B) Apellate jurisdiction
  3. C) Advisory jurisdiction
  4. D) Both A & B

Ans. B


Q.10 Statements :

1) Retired judge have all the jurisdictions, Powers & Previleges of the judge

2) Advisory jurisdiction of Supreme Court is binding on the President

3) SC can review & revise its orders


  1. A) 1 &3
  2. B) 1 & 2
  3. C) 2 & 3
  4. D) 1,2,3

Ans. A


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