Q.1 With reference to the Kuchipudi which among the following statements are correct ?

1) In this dancer usually stands on a brass plate locking the feet in shakatavadanam paada and moves the plate rhythmically with great dexterity

2) Techniques like dancing on the rim of a brass plate and with a pitcher full of water on the head was introduced.

3) Acrobatic dancing became part of the repertoire

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 1 & 3

B) 2 & 3

C) 1 & 2

D) 1,2,3

Ans. D

Q.2 In context with the Odissi dance, which among the following are correct ?

1) Torso movement is an unique feature of the Odissi style.

2) Lower half of the body remaining static, the torso moves from one side to the other along the axis passing through the centre of the upper half of the body

3) There are certain foot positions with flat, toe or heel contact

4) In addition to the leg movement, there are a variety of gaits for doing pirouettes

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 1,3,4

B) 2,3,4

C) 1,2,3

D) 1,2,3,4

Ans. D

Q.3 Which among the following are correct with reference  to the Western Indian School ?

1) The motivating force for the artistic activity in Western India was Jainism

2) exaggeration of certain physical traits are present in Western Indian School

3) Figures are flat with angularity of features in this type of art

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 1 & 3

B) 2 & 3

C) 1 & 2

D) 1,2,3

Ans. D

The Western Indian style of painting prevailed in the region comprising Gujarat, Rajasthan and Malwa. The motivating force for the artistic activity in Western India was Jainism just as it was Buddhism in case of the Ajanta and the Pala arts. Jainism was patronised by the Kings of the Chalukya Dynasty who ruled Gujarat and parts of Rajasthan and Malwa from 961 A.D. to the end of the 13th century. An enormous number of Jain religious manuscripts were commissioned from 12th to 16th centuries by the princes, their ministers and the rich Jain merchants for earning religious merit. Many such manuscripts are available in the Jain libraries (bhandaras) which are found at many places in Western India.

Q.4 With reference to the Miniature painting which among the following are correct ?

1) It depicts a gathering of Sufis (Muslim divines) who are seen seated in an open space and engaged in discussion

2) It displays supple naturalism of the Mughal style of the Shah Jahan period

3) In drawing, background is green and the sky is in golden colour

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 1 & 3

B) 2 & 3

C) 1 & 2

D) 1,2,3

Ans. D

Miniature painting developed During the 10th century in western part of India that is modern state of Rajasthan.These paintings are seen in hastprat [mini books written by hands ] of Vaishnav sect and Jain cult.This paintings were made to make the subject of the book more interested and to decorate the books.

Rajasthan state were integrated into western India of that time. Particular manuscript miniature painting developed in the western part of India that is modern state of Rajasthan. From 17th century “Rajput miniature painting ” developed in the western part of India that is modern western state of Rajasthan. “Rajput miniature painting has its own style and beauty. ‘Subjects- The subjects of these miniature paintings are in relation to the subjects of the manuscripts mostly religious and literary. Many paintings are from Sanskrit and folk literature. It is on the subject of love stories. Some paintings from Vaishnav sect of Hindu religion and some are from Jain cult. The Paintings of Vaishnav sect are regarding various occasions of the life of Lord Krishna and Gopies. Vaishnav paintings of “Gita Govinda” is about Lord Krishna. The paintings of Jain cult is concerning to Jain Lords and religious subjects. Equipments- These paintings were created on “Taadpatra” that means the leaf of the palm tree, and Paper. During that period earlier manuscripts were created from the leaf of the palm tree and later on from the paper. Characteristic- In these paintings there are very few human characters with front face are seen. Most of the human characters are seen with side profile. Big eyes, pointed nose and slim waist are the features of these paintings. The skin colours of human being are Brown and fair. The skin colour of the Lord Krishna is Blue. The colour of the hair and eyes is black. Women characters have long hair. Human characters have worn jewellery on hand, nose, neck, hair, waist and ankles. Man and women have worn traditional Indian dress, slippers and shoes. Men have turbans on the head. In these paintings trees, rivers, flowers, birds, the land, the sky, houses, traditional chairs, cushions, curtains, lamps, and human characters have been painted. Colours-Mostly Natural colours have been used in these paintings. Black, red, white, brown, blue, and yellow colours are used to decorate the paintings. Promoters- The Kings, Courtiers of the kings, wealthy businessmen, and religious leaders of the time were the promoters of these miniature paintings. Painters- Painters of these pictures were from the local society.” Vaachhak ” was the famous painter of the time.Painters tried to make the subject of the manuscript live by these pictures so that the readers of the manuscript can enjoy reading.

Q.5 With reference to Pala paintings Which among the following statements are correct ?

1) The Pala painting is characterised by sinuous line and subdued tones of colour

2) It resembles the ideal forms of contemporary bronze and stone sculpture

3) It reflects feeling of the classical art of Ajanta

4) The motivating force for the artistic activity in Western India was Jainism & Buddhism

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 1 & 3

B) 2,3,4

C) 1 & 2

D) 1,2,3

Ans. D

The motivating force for the artistic activity in Western India was Jainism just as it was Buddhism in case of the Ajanta and the Pala arts.

•       Pala ruled in Bihar-Bengal region

•       Developed under Pala and Sen rulers

•       Eighth to twelfth century

•       Influence of Hindu and Buddhist

•       Focus on architecture and culture

•       The Architecture were fine finished

•       Figures were much decorated and well polished

•       Both stone and metal sculptures have been found

•       Even the stone sculptures appear as metal due to high polishing

Q.6 Which among the following are involved with the Sattriya Dance ?

1) Hastamudras

2) Aharyas

3) Footwork

4) Music

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 1,3,4

B) 2,3,4

C) 1,2,3

D) 1,2,3,4

Ans. D

It  is one among the eight principal classical Indian dance traditions. In the year 2000, the Sattriya dances of Assam received recognition as one of the eight classical dance forms of India. Whereas some of the other traditions have been revived in the recent past, Sattriya has remained a living tradition since its creation by the founder of Vaishnavism in Assam, the great saint Srimanta Sankardev, in 15th century Assam.

Srimanta Sankardev and Madhavdev created Sattriya Nritya as an accompaniment to the Ankia Naat (a form of Assamese one-act plays devised by them), which were usually performed in the sattras, monasteries associated with the Ekasarana dharma. As the tradition developed and grew within the sattras, the dance form came to be known as Sattriya Nritya, a name first coined by Maheswar Neog. Today, although Sattriya Nritya has emerged from within the confines of the sattras to a much wider recognition, the sattras continue to use the dance form for ritualistic and other purposes for which it was originally created circa 500 years ago.

Q.7 Which of the following temples is the earliest in time ?

A) Gupta temple at Deogarh

B) Jandial temple

C) Kailasanath temple at kanchipuram

D) Sun temple at Martand

Ans. A

Gupta temple at Deogarh :

The Vishnu Temple is located at Deogarh, Uttar Pradesh in Central India built circa 500 CE. The temple is one of the earliest Hindu stone temples still surviving today. Built in the late Gupta Period, Vishnu Temple shows the ornate beauty seen in Gupta style architecture. This temple is also a good resource for examining Gupta style sculptures and art.

Jandial temple :

Jandial near the city of Taxila in Pakistan is the site of an ancient temple well known for its is Ionic columns. The temple is located 630 meters north of the northern gate of Sirkap. The Temple was excavated in 1912-1913 by the Archaeological Survey of India under John Marshall. It has been called “the most Hellenic structure yet found on Indian soil”.

Kailasanath temple at kanchipuram:

It is the oldest structure in Kanchipuram.Located in Tamil Nadu, India, it is a Hindu temple in the Dravidian architectural style. It is dedicated to the Lord Shiva, and is known for its historical importance. The temple was built from 685-705AD by a Rajasimha ruler of the Pallava Dynasty. The low-slung sandstone compound contains a large number of carvings, including many half-animal deities which were popular during the early Dravidian architectural period. The structure contains 58 small shrines which are dedicated to various forms of Shiva. These are built into niches on the inner face of the high compound wall of the circumambulatory passage. The temple is one of the most prominent tourist attractions of the city.

Sun temple at Martand

The Martand Sun Temple was a Kashmiri Hindu temple dedicated to Surya and built during the 8th century CE. Martand is another Sanskrit name for the Hindu Sun-god. Now in ruins, the temple is located five miles from Anantnag in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Q.8 Consider the following :

1. On Indian painting Women are mainly engaged in the creation of these paintings.

2. These painting’s do not depict mythological characters or images of deities, but depict social life.

3. Images of human being’s and animals along with scenes from daily life are created in a loose rhythmic pattern.

4. Painted white on mud walls, they are pretty close to prehistoric cave paintings in execution and usually depict scenes of human figures engaged in activities like hunting, dancing. sowing and harvesting,

Above statements characterizes which one of the following folk and art form of India?

A) Tanjore art

B) Madhubani painting

C) Warli folk painting

D) Pattachitra painting

Ans. B

Q.9 Which of the statements about Bhakti movement is not correct ?

A) Ramanuja taught at the Meenakshi temple of Madurai

B) Founder of Madhava sect was Kanadese Brahmin

C) Telugu Brahmin Nimbarka settled near Mathura & greatly influenced bhakti movement

D) Impact of Sahajiyas, Tantrics , & nathyogis led to the development of the North Indian Sant tradition

Ans. A

Rāmānuja became a priest at the Varadharāja Perumal temple (Vishnu) at Kānchipuram, where he began to teach that moksha (liberation and release from samsara) is to be achieved not with metaphysical, nirguna Brahman but with the help of personal god and saguna Vishnu. Rāmānuja has long enjoyed foremost authority in the Sri Vaishnava tradition

– Madhvācārya was born on the west coast of Karnataka state in 13th-century India. As a teenager, he became a Sanyasin (monk) joining Brahma-sampradaya guru Achyutapreksha, of the Ekadandi order. Madhva studied the classics of Hindu philosophy, particularly the Principal Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita and the Brahma Sutras (Prasthanatrayi). He commented on these, and is credited with thirty seven works in Sanskrit.

-The Bhakti movement of Hinduism saw two ways of imaging the nature of the divine (Brahman) – Nirguna and Saguna.

Nirguna Brahman was the concept of the Ultimate Reality as formless, without attributes or quality. Saguna Brahman, in contrast, was envisioned and developed as with form, attributes and quality. Nirguna bhakta’s poetry were Jnana-shrayi, or had roots in knowledge. Saguna bhakta’s poetry were Prema-shrayi, or with roots in love.

Q.10 With reference to the Harappan Civilization consider the following statements:

1. The city of Dholavira was in the form of a parallelogram guarded by a fortification.

2. A ploughed-field, showing a grid of furrows, located outside the town-wall has been discovered at Kalibangan.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. C

Unlike Harappa and Mohenjo-daro, the city was constructed to a pre-existing geometrical plan consisting of three divisions – the citadel, the middle town, and the lower town. The acropolis and the middle town had been furnished with their own defence-work, gateways, built-up areas, street system, wells, and large open spaces. The acropolis is the most thoroughly fortified and complex area in the city, of which it appropriates the major portion of the southwestern zone. The towering “castle” stands is defended by double ramparts. Next to this stands a place called the ‘bailey’ where important officials lived. The city within the general fortifications accounts for 48 ha (120 acres). There are extensive structure-bearing areas which are outside yet integral to the fortified settlement. Beyond the walls, another settlement has been found. The most striking feature of the city is that all of its buildings, at least in their present state of preservation, are built of stone, whereas most other Harappan sites, including Harappa itself and Mohenjo-daro, are almost exclusively built of brick. Dholavira is flanked by two storm water channels; the Mansar in the north, and the Manhar in the south.

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