Q.1 Consider the following statements :

1. Caves at Nagarjuni hills was dedicated by Ashoka & his grandson , Dashratha Maurya to the Ajivika


2.Bharhut stupa constructed under Mauryas shows influence of Greeks on Indian art

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. A

Bharhut stupa constructed under Shungas shows influence of Greeks on Indian art

Caves at Nagarjuni hills was dedicated by Ashoka & his grandson , Dashratha Maurya to the Ajivika Monks

Q.2 Consider the following statements :

1.Singhi Chham folk dance pays homage to the Kanchenjunga peaks, which when bathed in sunlight, look

like a snow lion

2. Wancho dance belongs to the state of Arunachal Pradesh

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. C

Singhi Chham folk dance pays homage to the Kanchenjunga peaks, which when bathed in sunlight, look like

a snow lion

Wancho dance belongs to the state of Arunachal Pradesh

Q.3 With reference to the Kangra Paintings , consider the following statements :

1.Paintings were made on the walls of palaces , inner chambers of forts & havellis

2. Theme of painting is mainly elements of nature

3. Surface of the painting is often divided into the several compartments of different colors in order

to separate one scene from another

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 1 & 3

B) Only 3

C) 2 & 3

D) Only 2

Ans. D

Rajasthani Paintings :

-Paintings were made on the walls of palaces , inner chambers of forts & havellis

– Surface of the painting is often divided into the several compartments of different colors in order

to separate one scene from another

Kangra Paintings :

Kangra painting is the pictorial art of Kangra, named after Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, a former princely

state, which patronized the art. It became prevalent with the fading of Basohli school of painting in

mid-18th century,and soon produced such a magnitude in paintings both in content as well as volume,

that the Pahari painting school, came to be known as Kangra paintings.

The distinguishing features of the Kangra painting were: Soft colours including cool blues and greens.

Lyrical treatment of themes.

Theme of painting is mainly elements of nature

Q.4 Which among the following is/are correct with respect to the Madhubani Paintings ?

1. These are the short lived water color paintings produced in the 19th century by the artists of the


2. No space is left empty in these paintings as the gaps are filled with the paintings of flower ,

animals, birds & even geometric designs

3. Three dimensional images are used in these types of paintings

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 2 & 3

B) Only 3

C) 1 & 2

D) 1,2,3

Ans. A

Madhubani Painting

Madhubani painting is one of the many famous Indian art forms. As it is practiced in the Mithila region

of Bihar and Nepal, it is called Mithila or Madhubani art. Often characterized by complex geometrical

patterns, these paintings are known for representing ritual content for particular occasions, including

festivals, religious rituals, etc. The colors used in Madhubani paintings are usually derived from

plants and other natural sources. These colors are often bright and pigments like lampblack and ochre

are used to create black and brown respectively. Instead of contemporary brushes, objects like twigs,

matchsticks and even fingers are used to create the paintings.

Kalighat Paintings : These are the short lived water color paintings produced in the 19th century by

the artists in Calcutta

Q.5 Which among the following is/are correct with respect to the Basholi style of painting ?

1. This style of painting was inspired by the naturalistic style of the mughal painting

2.Human figures were shown with tight lips , eyes half open , small chin & thin wrist

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. D

Guler style : This style of painting was inspired by the naturalistic style of the mughal painting

Bikaner School : Human figures were shown with tight lips , eyes half open , small chin & thin wrist

Basholi style of painting :

Basohli Paintings is a fusion of Hindu mythology, Mughal miniature techniques and folk art of the local

hills, evolved in the 17th and 18th centuries as a distinctive style of painting. This style of

painting derives its name from the place of its origin – hill town of Basohli about 80 Km. from the

centre of district Kathua in the state of Jammu & Kashmir.

The most popular themes of Basohli Paintings come from Shringara literature like Rasamanjari or Bouquet

of Delight ( a long love poem written in 15th century by Bhanudatta of Tirhut Bihar ), Gita Govinda and

Ragamala. These paintings are marked by striking blazing colors, red borders, bold lines and rich

symbols. The faces of the figures painted are characterized by the receding foreheads and large

expressive eyes, shaped like lotus petals. The painting themselves are mostly painted in the primary

colors of Red, Blue and Yellow.

This style of painting was first introduced to the world in the annual report (1918-19) of the

Archaeological Survey of India published in 1921. At that time this style was yet to be properly

categorized and studied. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy was the first to publish them, in Rajput Paintings in


Q.6 What was the reason for the congress to accept dominion status ?

A) It would offer a chance to keep India in the commonwealth

B) It would allow for some much needed continuity in the bureaucracy & the army

C) It would provide the economic strength , defence potential & greater value of trade & Investment in India

D) All of the above

Ans. B

The Congress was willing to accept Dominion Status for a while despite its being against the spirit of

Lahore Congress (1929) declaration of “Purna Swaraj” because:-

•   Congress wanted a quick transfer of power in a peaceful manner

•   It was important for congress to assume authority and power to check the explosive situation due to communal tension

•   Dominion Status gave breathing time to the new administration as British officers and civil service officials could stay on till Indians get settled in their new positions.

For Britain, Dominion Status offered a chance of keeping India in the Commonwealth, even if temporarily. Though Jinnah offered to bring Pakistan into the Commonwealth, a greater store was laid by India’s membership of the Commonwealth, as India’s economic strength and defence potential were deemed sounder and Britain had a greater value of trade and Investment there.

Q.7 Which among the following is/are correct with reference to the Plan Balkan ?

1. It was completed and presented on 15-16 April 1947 by Mountbatten to assembly of provincial governors in Delhi

2. This plan was welcomed by the Nehru & other leaders

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. D

 Plan Balkan was completed and presented on 15-16 April 1947 by Hastings Ismay to assembly of provincial governors in Delhi. Due to this, this plan was also called “Ismay Plan”.

•   Balkan plan was an alternative plan to Cabinet mission. Between March and May of 1947, Mountbatten decided that the Cabinet Mission Plan had become untenable and formulated an alternative plan. This plan envisaged the transfer of power to separate provinces (or to a confederation, if formed before the transfer), with Punjab and Bengal given the option to vote for partition of their provinces.

•   The various units thus formed along with the princely states (rendered independent by lapse of paramountcy) would have the option of joining India or Pakistan or remaining separate. The plan was quickly abandoned after Nehru reacted violently to it.

Q.8 With reference to the Tutinama “Tales of Parrot”, consider the following statements :

1. It is an illustrated version containing 200 miniature paintings that was commissioned by the Mughal

Emperor Akbar in the later part of the 16th century

2. It is the 14th century Persian series of 52 stories

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. B

Tutinama “Tales of Parrot”,is an illustrated version containing 250 miniature paintings that was

commissioned by the Mughal Emperor Akbar in the later part of the 16th century.

It is the 14th century Persian series of 52 stories

-Adventure stories naraated by the parrot were : Ninght after Night, For 52 successive nights, are

moralistic stories to persuade his owner Khojasta not to commit any adulterous act with any lover, in

the absence of her husband.

Q.9 Who among the following Mughal Emperor put emphasis upon aristocracy & secularism through the Mughal

school of painting?

A) Jahangir

B) Akbar

C) Aurangzeb

D) Shahjahan

Ans. B

Mughal school of paintings originated in  AD during the reign of Akbar.These paintings are based on the

close observation of nature & fine & delicate drawing .

These paintings are themed upon aristocracy & secularism.

Q.10 With reference to the Dongria Kondh, consider the following statements :

1. These are the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal groups worshiping Niyam Raja of sacred Niyamgiri mountain

2. Racially these belong to the Mongoloid group & linguistically they belong to the Tibeto-Burman group

Select the correct answer using the code given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. A

Karbi tribe : Racially these belong to the Mongoloid group & linguistically they belong to the Tibeto-

Burman group

Dongria Kondh : Of Odisha ; These are the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal groups who worship Niyam Raja

of sacred Niyamgiri mountain

They also won legal battle against Vedanta group over Bauxite mining in the region

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