Q.1 Statements :
1) Three-fourths of the total fresh water is locked up in glaciers and ice- sheets
2) The maximum value of precipitation occur along the equator due to the converging trade wind systems
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Both are correct
D) Both are incorrect
Ans. C
The minimum value of precipitation occur in dry areas of sub¬tropical high pressure cells and the continental interiors in higher latitudes
Q.2 Statements :
1) The Pacific belt is known as the ‘Ring of Fire’ because of the largest number of active volcanoes
2) Most known volcanic activity and the earthquakes occur along converging plate margins and mid-oceanic ridges
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Both are correct
D) Both are incorrect
Ans. C
There are no volcanoes in the Himalayan region or in the Indian peninsula.
There are no volcanoes in Australia
Q.3 The atmospheric moisture content comprising water vapour droplets and ice crystals in clouds is determined by :
1) Local evaporation
2) Air temperature
3) Horizontal atmospheric transport of moisture
A) 1 & 3
B) 2 & 3
C) 1 & 2
D) 1,2,3
Ans. D
Q.4 Which among the following statements is/ are correct ?
1) During summer, the maximum isolation is received on the Tropic of Cancer
2) Western disturbances causes snowfall in the North-Western Himalayan regions such as Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Both are correct
D) Both are incorrect
Ans. C
Q.5 Which among the following are the characteristics of the winter monsoons ?
1) High pressure
2) Low humidity
3) Clear skies
A) 1 & 3
B) 2 & 3
C) 1 & 2
D) 1,2,3
Ans. D
Q.6 Which of the following affects climate of India ?
1) Latitudinal location
2) Monsoon winds
3) Location of eastern ghats
4) Desert region of Rajasthan
A) 1,3,4
B) 2,3,4
C) 1,2,3
D) 1,2,3,4
Ans. D
Distance from the Sea
Q.7 Which of the following are the impacts of Ei-Nino ?
1) Increased risks of some of the diseases transmitted by mosquitoes
2) Related to Kawasaki disease incidence in Japan and the west coast of the United States
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Both are correct
D) Both are incorrect
Ans. C
Q.8 Statements:
1) Bay of Bengal witnesses a number of tropical cyclones during the southwest monsoon season
2) Cyclones of the temperate regions develop due to convergence of the cold and warm air masses
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Both are correct
D) Both are incorrect
Ans. C
Q.9 Which of the following are associated with anti-cyclones ?
1) Clear skies
2) Polar high pressure belts
3) Subtropical high pressure belts
A) 1 & 3
B) 2 & 3
C) 1 & 2
D) 1,2,3
Ans. D
Q.10 Which of the following conditions are necessary for development of a cyclonic storm?
1) warm sea temperature
2) High relative humidity of the atmosphere
3) Atmospheric instability
A) 1 & 3
B) 2 & 3
C) 1 & 2
D) 1,2,3