Q.1 The meaning of carbon footprint is described by the amount of :

A) Carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization or community

B) Greenhouse gases emitted by industries contributing to global warming

C) Carbon emissions released by the burning of jet fuel

D) Increase in the carbon content of the atmosphere due to the felling of trees

Ans. A

A carbon footprint is historically defined as the total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual, event, organisation, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent

A measure of the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions of a defined population, system or activity, considering all relevant sources, sinks and storage within the spatial and temporal boundary of the population, system or activity of interest. Calculated as carbon dioxide equivalent using the relevant 100-year global warming potential(GWP100).

Carbon footprint is one of a family of footprint indicators, which also includes water footprint and land footprint.

•     4Indirect carbon emissions: the carbon footprints of products

o     4.1Food

o     4.2Textiles

o     4.3Materials

o     4.4Cement

•     5Schemes to reduce carbon emissions: Kyoto Protocol, carbon offsetting, and certificates

Carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, and the emissions of other GHGs, are often associated with the burning of fossil fuels, like natural gas, crude oil and coal.

The Kyoto Protocol defines legally binding targets and timetables for cutting the GHG emissions of industrialized countries that ratified the Kyoto Protocol. Accordingly, from an economic or market perspective, one has to distinguish between a mandatory market and a voluntary market. Typical for both markets is the trade with emission certificates:

•     Certified Emission Reduction (CER)

•     Emission Reduction Unit (ERU)

•     Verified Emission Reduction (VER)

local emissions reduction schemes have no status under the Kyoto Protocol itself, they play a prominent role in creating the demand for CERs and ERUs, stimulating Emissions Trading and setting a market price for emissions.

Q.2 As per Kyoto Protocol agreement, which among the following is/are the parties of Annex-I Countries ?

1. Kazakhstan

2. Belarus

3. Turkey

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 1 & 3

B) 2 & 3

C) Only 3

D) 1,2,3

Ans. B

Belarus, Malta, and Turkey are Annex I Parties but do not have first-round Kyoto targets

Q.3 Consider the following :

1. Bastar Iron Craft        :     Chhatisgarh

2. Screw Pine handicraft    :     Odisha

3. Pipili Aplique Work      :     Kerala

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 2 & 3

B) Only 2

C) 1 & 3

D) Only 1

Ans. D

Bastar Iron Craft           :     Chhatisgarh

Screw Pine handicraft       :     Kerala

Pipili Aplique Work         :     Odisha

Q.4 Which among the following is/are the examples of the Invasive Species ?

1. Water Hyacinth

2. Wild rose

3. Mimosa Invisa

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) 1 & 3

C) 1 & 2

D) 1,2,3

Ans. D

The invasive water hyacinth is very common, often choking the water bodies, but it is cleared during destructive floods.

Another invasive species, Mimosa invisa, which is toxic to herbivores, was cleared by Kaziranga staff with help from the Wildlife Trust of India in 2005

Invasive species such as Mimosa and wild rose have posed a threat to the native plants in the region.

Q.5 Which among the following comes under the classification of Microfauna ?

1. Bacteria

2. Protozoa

3. Fungi

4. Mites

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 4

B) 1,3,4

C) 2,3,4

D) 2 & 4

Ans. D

-Microflora : Bacteria , Fungi, Actinomycetes, Microscopic Algae

-Microfauna : Protozoans, Rotifers, Polycads, Nematodes, Mites, Copepods (20-200 micron)


Q.6 With reference to the news, which among the following is/are correct with respect to the SAWEN ?

1. It is regional inter-governmental wildlife law enforcement support body launched in 2013.

2. All the south Asian countries are the members of the SAWEN regional network

Select the correct answers using the code given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. D

SAWEN is regional inter-governmental wildlife law enforcement support body launched in January, 2011 in Paro, Bhutan. It aims at working collectively . as a strong regional inter-governmental body to combat wildlife crime by attainting common mutual goals and approaches for combating illegal trade in the region. SAWEN’s regional network comprises of eight South Asia countries: Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Maldives.

Q.7 Which of the following is correct ?

A) Guindy national park is known for tiger reserve

B) Namdapha national park is meant for lion conservation

C) Jaldapara is a biosphere reserve

D) Rann of Kutch is wild ass sanctuary

Ans. D

Guindy National Park is a 2.70 km2 (1.04 sq mi) Protected area of Tamil Nadu, located in Chennai, South India, is the 8th smallest National Park of India and one of the very few national parks situated inside a city.

-There are over 14 species of mammals including blackbuck, chital or spotted deer, jackal, small Indian civet, common palm civet, bonnet macaque, hyena, pangolin, hedgehog, common mongoose and three-striped palm squirrel.

Guindy Snake Park, formerly the location of Madras Crocodile Bank Trust, is next to the Guindy National Park.

Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary) is a national park situated at the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas in Alipurduar District of northern West Bengal and on the banks of the Torsa River.

The nearby Chilapata Forests is an elephant corridor between Jaldapara and the Buxa Tiger Reserve[4] Near by is the Gorumara National Park, known for its population of Indian rhinoceros.

Toto tribes and Mech Tribes (Bodos) used to stay in this area before 1800.

Namdapha National Park is the largest protected area in the Eastern Himalaya biodiversity hotspot and is located in Arunachal Pradesh in Northeast India. It is also the third largest national park in India in terms of area. It is located in the Eastern Himalayan sub-region and is recognized as one of the richest areas in biodiversity in India.

The area is also known for extensive Dipterocarpforests, comprising the northwestern parts of the ecoregion of Mizoram-Manipur-Kachin rain forests.

Namdapha and Pakke Tiger Reserve are in a region, which is the eastern limit of the Bengal tiger’s and thenorth-western limit of the Indochinese tiger’s range

Non-human primates present include stump-tailed macaque, slow loris, hoolock gibbon, capped langur, Assamese macaque and rhesus macaque

The Great Rann of Kutch is a salt marsh located in the Thar Desert in the Kutch District of Gujarat, India and the Sindhprovince of Pakistan.

The Ghaggar River, which presently empties into the desert of northern Rajasthan, formerly emptied into the Rann of Kutch, but the lower reaches of the river dried up as its upstream tributaries were captured by the Indus and Ganges thousands of years ago.

Q.8 Which among the following has been accorded  UNESCO World heritage status ?

1. Serengeti national park

2. Sanctuary of Machu Picchu

3. Arabian Oryx sanctuary

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 2 & 3

B) Only 3

C) 1 & 2

D) Only 1

Ans. C


A World Heritage Site is an already classified landmark, which by way of being unique in some respect as a geographically and historically identifiable piece is of special cultural or physical significance (such as either due to hosting an ancient ruins or some historical structure, building, city, complex, desert, forest, island, lake, monument, or mountain)

The list is maintained by the international World Heritage Programme administered by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, composed of 21 UNESCO member states which are elected by the UN General Assembly.[2]

A single text was agreed on by all parties, and the “Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage” was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO on 16 November 1972.

The Convention came into force on 17 December 1975. As of May 2017, it has been ratified by 193 states parties, including 189 UN member states plus the Cook Islands, the Holy See, Niue, and the Palestinian territories. Only four UN member states have not ratified the Convention: Liechtenstein, Nauru, Somalia and Tuvalu

The Committee meets once per year to determine whether or not to inscribe each nominated property on the World Heritage List and sometimes defers or refers the decision to request more information from the country which nominated the site. There are ten selection criteria – a site must meet at least one of them to be included on the list.

Serengeti National Park, an example of natural heritage site

Taj Mahal, an example of cultural heritage site

Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu, an example of mixed heritage site

Only two sites have ever been delisted: the Arabian Oryx Sanctuary in Oman and the Dresden Elbe Valley in Germany.


Q.9 Consider the following tribes  :

State / Region                        Tribes

1. Minicoy                            :       Dhivehis

2. Andaman Islands             :       Jangil

3. Meghalaya                          :       Jaintia

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 1  &  3

B) 2 & 3

C) Only 1

D) 1,2,3

Ans. D

Ethnic groups of Meghalaya :

Ethnic groups 2011 :

•       Khasi: 50%

•       Garo: 27.5%

•       Bengali: 14%

•       Nepali: 5.26%

•       Koch: 1.8%

•       Jaintia: 2.5%

•       Hajong: 2.8%

•       Biate: 1.1%

•       Tiwa (Lalung): 1.2%

•       Kuki: 0.43%

•       Shaikh: 0.3%

•       Other: 9.33%

-By the 1850s when they first came into sustained contact by outside groups, there were estimated 7,000 Andamanese, divided into the following major groups:

•       Great Andamanese.

•       Jarawa.

•       Jangil (or Rutland Jarawa)

•       Onge.

•       Sentinelese.

Minicoy :

Minicoy, locally known as Maliku is an island in Lakshadweep, India. Along with Viringili, it is on Maliku atoll, the southernmost atoll of Lakshadweep archipelago. Administratively, it is a census town in the Indian union territory of Lakshadweep.

Minicoy is the second largest and the southernmost among the islands of the Lakshadweep archipelago. It is located 201 km to the SSW of Kalpeni, at the southern end of the Nine Degree Channel and 125 km to the north of Thuraakunu, Maldives, at the northern end of the Eight Degree Channel.

Maliku Kandu is the traditional name of the broad channel between Minicoy (Maliku) and Ihavandippulhu (Haa Alif Atoll) in the Maldives. In the Admiralty Charts it is called Eight Degree Channel.

Other names for this channel are Addigiri Kandu and Māmalē Kandu. It appeared in old French maps with the name Courant de Malicut.

Minicoy has a tropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification Aw) with warm temperatures throughout the year. Precipitation falls during most of the year; only January to March are relatively dry.

 The people of Minicoy are ethnically Dhivehis and make up the third subgroup of Dhivehis referred as Mahls.

Thuraakunu in the Maldives is the closest island to Minicoy.

The bodun owned land and bandu-odies (merchant ships); they were the vering (rulers). The niamin were pilots of the Bandu-odies and while on shore assisted the bodun in administrative and other leadership functions; they were custodians of property and supervised public work. The medhukimbin and the raaverin were working classes (the medhukimbin enjoying a status higher than the raaverin.) The raaverin tapped coconut palms for toddy, a distinctive beverage converted into sweet palm syrup. Coconut vinegar, known as raahuiiy, was also produced by the raaverin.

Q.10 Which among the following species is/ are the part of the Keibul lamjao National Park ?

1. Sangai

2. Brown-antlered deer

3. stump-tailed macaque,

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 1  &  3

B) Only 3

C) 2 & 3

D) 1,2,3

Ans. D

Fauna recorded in the precincts of the Lake in the Keibul Lamjo National Park are the Indian python, sambar, barking deer, the endangered sangai species of Eld’s deer, wild bear, Muntiacus muntjak, rhesus monkey, hoolock gibbon, stump-tailed macaque, Indian civet Viverra zibetha, marbled cat and Temminck’s golden cat.

The Keibul Lamjao National Park is the last natural refuge of the endangered sangai (state animal)Rucervus eldii eldii or Manipur brown-antlered deer (Cervus eldi eldi), one of three subspecies of Eld’s deer


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