Q.1 With regards to the living planet report-2014 released by the world wildlife fund, which among the following are correct ?


1) Living planet index which measures more than 10,000 representative populations of mammals, birds , reptiles , amphibians & fish has declined by the 52% since 1970


2) The most dramatic regional LPI decrease occurred in Africa




A) Only 1


B) Only 2


C) Both are correct


D) Both are incorrect


Ans. A


The most dramatic regional LPI decrease occurred in South America


Q.2 Which among the following are correct ?


1) Pirotan island  –  Gujarat


2) Bhagwan Mahavir – Goa


3) Satkosia Gorge – Odisha




A) 1 & 3


B) 2 & 3


C) 1 & 2


D) 1,2,3


Ans. D


Shravati valley – Karnataka


Q.3 Statements :


1) Sideral day is shorter than solar day


2) The motion of the earth in its orbit around the sun around the sun is termed as the revolution




A) Only 1


B) Only 2


C) Both are correct


D) Both are incorrect


Ans. C


Q.4 Statements :


1) India’s offshore & deep sea fish catch is very poor considering the marine potential


2) Indian coast does not have many gulfs , bays, estuaries & backwaters




A) Only 1


B) Only 2


C) Both are correct


D) Both are incorrect


Ans. C


Q.5 The earth without rotational movement would result into :


1) No sun rise & sun set


2) No occurrence of day & night cycle


3) Only one season




A) 1 & 2


B) Only 1


C) 1,2,3


D) 2 & 3


Ans. C


Q.6 With reference to the cold waves which among the following are correct ?


1) There is lack of maritime influence


2) Northern India is nearer to the Himalayan region


3) Air mass come from polar regions to the northern India




A) 1,2,3


B) 1 & 2


C) 2 & 3


D) 1 & 2


Ans. B


Q.7 Horizontal wind circulation near the earth’s surface is due to the :


1) Pressure gradient


2) Frictional force


3) Coriolis force




A) Only 1


B) 1 & 3


C) 1,2,3


D) 1 & 2


Ans. A


Q.8 The most toxic metal pollutant of the automobile exhaust is—


A) Copper


B) Lead


C) Cadmium


D) Mercury


Ans. B


Q.9 Which among the following was the theme of the Interational Day of the Preservation of Ozone layer 2014 ?


A) Ozone day – A healthy atmosphere , the future we want


B) Protecting our atmosphere for generations to come


C) HCFC phase out : A unique opportunity


D) Ozone Layer Protection : The Mission Goes On


Ans. D


Q.10 The chief racial groups constituting India’s population are the Dravidian, Aryans, and Mongoloids. Where do the Mongoloids live?


A) Western India


B) Southern India


C) North- Eastern India


D) South- western India


Ans. C



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