Q.1 Which of the following conditions are needed for the Rainfed farming ?
1) Presence of moisture
2) Double cropping system is present
3) More than 750 mm of rainfall
A) 1 & 3
B) 2 & 3
C) 1 & 2
D) 1,2,3
Ans. D
Q.2 Statements:
1) Escarpment & Fold mountains are the product of the vulcanicity.
2) Hawaiian type of volcanic eruptions is usually explosive.
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Both are correct
D) Both are incorrect
Ans. D
Q.3 Statements :
1) River system can continue to cut down its valley at approximately the same rate as uplift & so maintains its general pattern & direction
2) In case of an antecedent drainage system river is said to have originated before period of uplift & folding of land as a result of the earth movement
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Both are correct
D) Both are incorrect
Ans. C
Q.4 Statements:
1) In deep Ocean Primary production occurs near hydrothermal vents
2) Over there microbes produce food through Chemosynthesis which forms the basis for a food chain
Which among above is/are correct ?
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Both are correct
D) Both are incorrect
Ans. C
Q.5 Statements:
1) Fold mountains run parallel & close to the coast while Continental shelf is narrow or absent
2) Average depth for continental shelf is above 1000 metres
3) Submarine canyons are mostly found in continental slope
4) Submarine flat topped mountains are called guyots
A) 1,3,4
B) 2,3,4
C) 1,2,3,4
D) Only 3 & 4
Ans. A
Q.6 Statements:
1) Tropical seas in India are rich in fish species but there are few important fishing grounds around the country
2) Quantity of fish of a particular species is lacking & hence not commercially exploitable
Which among above is/are correct ?
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Both are correct
D) Both are incorrect
Ans. A
Q.7 Which among the following are rift Valleys ?
1) Dead Sea
2) Red Sea
3) Midland Plain of Scotland
A) 1 & 2
B) Only 1
C) 2 & 3
D) 1,2,3
Ans. D
Q.8 Statements:
1) Equatorial counter current is more developed in the Pacific Ocean than in the Atlantic Ocean
2) Equatorial Counter Current flows in the westward direction
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Both are correct
D) Both are incorrect
Ans. A
Q.9 Statements:
1) Mid-Atlantic Ridge surfaces above the sea level in Iceland
2) Baltic sea remains open for International trade throughout the year
3) Baltic sea lies in the warm Temperature zone
4) San Andreas Fault is a Transform Fault
A) 1,3,4
B) 1,2,3
C) 1,2,4
D) 1,2,3,4
Ans. C
Q.10 Statements:
1) Boulder Fields are the angular blocks produced by the separation & sheltering of joint blocks
2) Exfoliation is the formation of the curved rock shells.
Which among above is/are correct ?
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Both are correct
D) Both are incorrect
Ans. D