Q.1 Consider the following :
1) Coal pits
2) Sewers
3) Volcanic eruptions
Which among the above are the sources of H2s in the environment ?
A) 1 & 2
B) 2 & 3
C) Only 3
D) 1,2,3
Ans. D
Q.2 A transition zone or region separating two biomes is known as :
A) Ecological niche
B) Ecocline
C) Ecotone
D) Ecotype
Ans. C
Q.3 Eutrophication of water bodies is mainly caused by :
A) Carbonates & Oxides
B) Hydrocarbons & Metals
C) Carbonates & Sulphates
D) Phosphates & Nitrates
Ans. D
Q.4 Which among the following is a secondary pollutant ?
A) Benzene
B) Nitrogen oxide
C) Ozone
D) Sulphur di oxide
Ans. C
Q.5 Which of the following pollutants causes surface deterioration of leather goods ?
A) Hydrogen Sulphide
B) Nitrogen oxide
C) Ozone
D) Sulphur dioxide
Ans. D
Q.6 Which of the following region has lowest atmospheric humidity ?
A) Monsoon
B) Equatorial
C) Prairies
D) Polar
Ans. D
Q.7 Cartagena Protocol on biosafety deals with :
A) establishing or promoting in situ conservation facilities for rare & endangered organisms
B) Maintaining the world wide network of gene banks for all the known flora & fauna
C) Monitoring & regulating development of living modified organisms
D) Ensuring safe handling , safe usage & safe trans-boundary movement of living modified organisms
Ans. D
Q.8 Which among the following regions receives the highest annual average monsoon rainfall from June to September ?
A) Gangetic West Bengal
B) Western Uttar Pradesh
C) Eastern Uttar Pradesh
D) Punjab
Ans. A
Q.9 Other than Nitrogen & Oxygen which among the following is the most abundant gas in the Earth’s atmosphere ?
A) Argon
B) Carbon di oxide
C) Methane
D) Hydrogen
Ans. A