Q.1 Which of the following are treated as artificial currency?





Ans. C


Q.2 Which of the following could be said to have prevented the ‘trickle down’ effects in Indian economy?

1. Increased dependence of agriculture on purchased inputs & privately managed irrigation.

2. More employment of labour by larger landholding farmers.

3. Lowered participation of women in agricultural workforce due to new technology.

4. The failure of the Green revolution.


A) 1&3

B) 1,2,3,4

C) 1,3,4

D) 1&2

Ans. A


Q.3 The 11th five year plan strategy to raise agricultural output envisages which of

the following?

1. Greater attention to land reforms.

2. Double the rate of growth of irrigated area.

3. Promote animal husbandary & fishery.

4. Interest free credit to the farmers.


A) 1,2,3

B) 1,2,3,4

C) 1,3,4

D) 1&2

Ans. A


Q.4 Which of the following statements regarding Monitorable Socio Economic

Target of the 11th Five Year Plan are correct?

1. Treat all urban waste water by 2011-2012 to clear river waters.

2. Increase energy efficiency by 20%ge points by 2016-2017.

3. Attain WHO standards of air quality in all major cities by 2011-2012.

4. Increase forest & tree cover by 15%ge points.


A) 1,2,3

B) 1,2,3,4

C) 1,3,4

D) 1&2

Ans. A


Q.5 The effect of inflation on tax revenue results in a situation known as:

A) Stagflation

B) Fiscaldrag

C) Reflation

D) Disinflation

Ans. B


Q.6 Which of the following accounts for Cost-Push Inflation?

A) Increase in money supply.

B) Increase in indirect taxation.

C) Increase in population.

D) Increase in non-plan expenditure.

Ans. B


Q.7 Which of the following governmental steps has proved relatively effective in

controlling the double digit rate of inflation in the Indian economy during recent


A) Containing budgetary deficits & unproductive expenditure.

B) Streamlined public distribution system.

C) Enhanced rate of production of all consumer goods.

D) Pursuing an export-oriented strategy.

Ans. A


Q.8 Of the various ways of financing govt’s investment expenditure, the least

inflationary is:

A) Foreign aid

B) Deficit financing

C) Taxation

D) Public borrowing

Ans. C


Q.9 Who is responsible for the collection & publication of monetary & financial information?

A) Finance commission

B) Finance ministry

C) Reserve Bank of India

D) Auditor & Comptroller general of India

Ans. B


Q.10 Consider the following events:

1. Conversion of Imperial bank of India into SBI.

2. Establishment of NABARD.

3. Setting upmof RRBs.

4. Nationalisation of RBI.

A) 4,1,2,3

B) 4,1,3,2

C) 1,4,3,2

D) 1,4,2,3

Ans. B


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