Q.1 Consider the statements relating to the Social Audit:

1) It contains Financial & non-financial resources that could be used by the public agencies.

 2) For awarenes generation under MNREGA  every state govt is required to undertake the exercise to publicise the key provisions of the schemes.

3) It facilitate verification of the records with  stakeholders/beneficiaries.

4) The Village resource persons are deployed for social audit.


A) 1,3,4

B) 2,3,4

C) 1,2,4

D) All are correct

Ans. D


Q.2 Which among the following statements are correct ?

1) Investment in microenterprise is more than 25lakh.

2) Investment in small enterprise is 5 crore.

3) Investment in medium enterprise is more than 10 crore.


A) 1 & 3

B) 2 & 3

C) All are correct

D) All are incorrect

Ans. D


Q.3 In context with the Janani Shishu Suraksha Yojna consider the following statements:

1) It guarantees free entitlements to pregnant women & new born till 30days after birth.

2) It has a facility of transport from home to health instituions.

3) many women in India have high body mass index.

4) Institutionally deliveries has been increased after the launch of the JSY.

5) It has not been implemented in all the states.


A) 1 ,2,3,5

B) 2,3,4,5

C) 1,2,3

D) 1,2,4

Ans. D


Q.4  In context with the Indira Awaas yojana conider the following statements:

1) It is a centrally sponsored scheme launched by the Min. of the Rural Development.

2) Financial assistance is provided to the BPL households.

3) Gram Panchayat select the benificiaries from the BPL households.

4) Engagement of the Contractor & Specific Design has been stipulated for an IAY house.

Which above are correct?

A)  1 & 2

B) 2 & 3

C) 3 & 4

D) all are correct

Ans. A


Q.5 The purpose of Eco-Tourism is:

1) To facilitate self employment opportunities for the poor.

2) To generate income sources to the higher communities.

3) To encourage supply of Goods & services.

Which of the above statements are correct?

A) 1 & 3

B) 1 & 2

C) 2 & 3

D) All are correct

Ans. A

Ecotourism focuses on socially responsible travel, personal growth, and environmental sustainability. Ecotourism typically involves travel to destinations where flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. an integral part of ecotourism is the promotion of recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation, and creation of economic opportunities for local communities


Q.6 Consider the statements about Aadhar:

1) It is based on the 11 parameters of demographic & Biometric data.

2) Aimed at improving delivery of public services i.e. MGNREGA

3) The UID programme helps in success of project with designed services & techology.


A) 1 & 3

B) 2 & 3

C) 1 & 2

D) All are correct

Ans. B

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is an agency of the Government of India responsible for implementing the AADHAAR scheme, a unique identification project. It was established in February 2009, and will own and operate the Unique Identification Number database. The authority aims to provide a unique id number to all Indians, but not smart cards.[2] The authority will maintain a database of residents containing biometric and other data.[3]

The agency is headed by a chairman, who holds a cabinet rank. The UIDAI is part of the Planning Commission of India.[1][4] Nandan Nilekani, former co-chairman of Infosys Technologies, was appointed as the first Chairman of the authority in June 2009.[5] Ram Sewak Sharma, an IAS Officer of Jharkhand Government is the Director General and Mission Director of the Authority Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique number which the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will issue for all residents in India (on a voluntary basis). The number will be stored in a centralized database and linked to the basic demographics and biometric information – photograph, ten fingerprints and iris – of each individual. It is easily verifiable in an online, cost-effective way. It is unique and robust enough to eliminate the large number of duplicate and fake identities in government and private databases. UIDAI launched AADHAAR program in the tribal village, Tembhli, in Shahada,[9][10] Nandurbar, Maharashtra on 29 September 2010.


Q.7 Consider the following statements:

1) There is low current Account Deficit.

2) Low CAD is driven by the rise in gold & oil imports.

3) To reduce the fiscal deficit the govt can raise prices of Diesel & LPG.

Which above are correct?

A) 1 & 3

B) Only 1

C) Only 2

D) Only 3

Ans. D

CAD Occurs when a country’s total imports of goods, services and transfers is greater than the country’s total export of goods, services and transfers. This situation makes a country a net debtor to the rest of the world. A substantial current account deficit is not necessarily a bad thing for certain countries. Developing counties may run a current account deficit in the short term to increase local productivity and exports in the future.

What Causes a Current Account Deficit?

Countries with current account deficits are usually big spenders, but are considered very credit worthy. These countries’ businesses can’t borrow from their own residents, because they haven’t saved enough in local banks. They would prefer to spend than save their income. Businesses in a country like this can’t expand unless they borrow from foreigners. That’s where the credit-worthiness comes into the picture.


Q.8 Open market operation is apart of:

A) Income policy

B) Labour policy

C) credit policy

D) Fiscal policy

Ans. C

An open market operation is an activity by a central bank to buy or sell government bonds on the open market. A central bank uses them as the primary means of implementing monetary policy. The usual aim of open market operations is to control the short term interest rate and the supply of base money in an economy, and thus indirectly control the total money supply. This involves meeting the demand of base money at the target interest rate by buying and selling government securities, or other financial instruments. Monetary targets, such as inflation, interest rates, or exchange rates, are used to guide this implementation.


Q.9 Automatic route to FDI implies that a foreign investor bring in his capital

1) Without the approval of FIPB

2) By informing the RBI within one month of bringing his investments

3) By informing both the FIPB & RBI within one month of bringing in his/her investment.

4) By prior permission of the RBI


A) 2 & 3

B) 1 & 2

C) Only 2

D) 2 & 4

Ans. C

Automatic Route allows Indian companies engaged in all industries except for certain select industries/sectors to issue shares to foreign investors up to 100% of their paid up capital in Indian companies

There are two ways FDI is allowed in India:


1. Automatic route: No need of govt permission. You just have to inform the regional RBI office. This is applicable in certain sectors only and subject to limits.


2. Approval route: The Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) scrutinises the proposal and gives recommendtion to either the Ministry of Finance or the Cabinet Committee on Economic Afairs (CCEA) as the case may be.


eg: For Banking, foreign investors can invest upto 49% thru the automatic route. Any further investment subject to a maximum of 74% is thru the approval route.




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