Economic Empowerment :

Special central assistance to SCs sub plan(SCSP) is a major scheme for economic advancement of SCs. The main objective of the plan is to five a thrust to family oriented schemes of economic development of SC families living below the poverty line.
National SC Finance and Developement corporations(NSFDC) provides financial assistance in form of concessional loans to all SC families living below Double poverty line (presently 44000 in rural areas and 55000 in urban areas per annum).

State SC development corporations(SCDC) main functions are:

• to identify eligible SC families and motivate them to undertake economic development schems,
• sponsor the schemes to financial institutions for credit support,
• provide financial assistane in the form of margin money at low rate of interest and subsidy in order to reduce repayment liability and
• provide necessary tie up with other poverty alleviation programmes

SCDC finances projects by dovetailing loan component from NSFDC/banks along with margin money out of their own funds and subsidy out of Special Central Assistance.

Rehabilitation of manual scavengers and their dependents into alternative occupations is done through Self-employment scheme for rehabilitation of manual scavengers. National Safai Karmcharis Finance and Development corporation extends concessional financial assistance to the Safai Karmchary beneficiaries for establishments under ‘Mahila Samriddhi Yojana’


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