
Q. 50 (MOCK-4)

Students were admitted to a Nursery Class. Some students can speak only Hindi. Ten students can speak both Hindi & English. If the no. of students who can speak English is 21, then how many students can speak Hindi & how many can speak only English?


Q.20 (MOCK-5)

Six books A,B,C,D,E & F are placed side by side. B,C & E have blue colour & the other books have red cover. Only D & F are new books & the rest are old. A,C & D are the law reports & others are gazetters. What book is a new law report with a red colour ?


Q.22 (MOCK-6)

If Monday falls on the first of October. Which day will fall after three days of 20th in that month ?


Q.31 (MOCK-2)

A, B, C, D and E are sitting on a bench. A is sitting next to B, C is sitting next to D, D is not sitting with E who is on the left end of the bench. C is on the second position from the right. A is to the right of B and E. A and C are sitting together. In which position A is sitting ?


Q.15 (MOCK-8)

A man sold two houses for Rs. 800000 on one he gains 20 % while on the other he losses 20%. How much does he gain or loss in the whole transaction ?


Directions for Q.31 to Q.34(MOCK-1)

Q.P,Q,R,S,T & U are the members of a family. There are two married couples. Q is an engineer & the father of T. U is the Grandfather of R & is a lawyer. S is the Grandmother of T & is a housewife. There is one engineer, one lawyer, one teacher , one housewife & two students in the family.


Q.49 (MOCK-7)
When a person covers a distance between his house & office at 50km/hr he is late by 20 min. but when he travels at 60km/hr he reaches 10min. early. What is the distance between his house & office ?


Q.28 (MOCK-12)
A person has to travel from A to B,& he knows PQ road is the joining road. How many ways are possible ?
Q.74 (MOCK-7)
Ranjit likes to take a different route to work each day. He always walks along side part of the park & only ever travels south or east.
In the diagram lines represent streets in this area.
How many different routes are there by which Ranjit can walk from home to the Work ?


Q.4 (mock-8)


A Training college has to conduct a refresher course for teachers of subjects: Education, Philosophy, Psychology,Sociology,Economics, Science & Engineering from 22nd July to 29th July:

1) Course should start with Psychology & there should be a gap of 2 days between Psychology & Sociology
2) 23rd July being Sunday ,should be holiday
3) Science should be on the previous day of Engineering
4) Course should end with Education
5) Philosophy should be immediately after the holiday
6) There should be a gap of one day between Economics & Engineering


Q.175 (MOCK-12)

Five bells begin to toll together and toll respectively at intervals of 6, 5, 7, 10 and 12 seconds. How many times will they toll together in one hour excluding the one at the start ?


Q.75 (MOCK-8)

Two cars X & Y start from two places A & B which are 700 km apart at 9:00 am. Both the cars runs at an average speed of 60 km/hr. Car X stops at 10:00 am while the other car Y continues to run without stopping. When the two cars cross each other ?


Q.19 (MOCK-6)

In a row of children Rohan is seventh from the left & Bali is fourth from the right. When Rohan & Bali exchange their position, Rohan will be fifteenth from the left. Bali’s position from the right will be ?


Q.66 (MOCK-4)

Priti Scored more than Rahul. Yamuna Scored as much as Divya. Lokita Scored less than manju. Rahul Scored more than Yamuna. Manju Scored less than Divya. Who Scored the lowest ?


Directions for Q.27 to 30 (MOCK-2)

Q. Examine the following information :

Letters A,B,C,D,E,F & G not necessarily in the order, stand for seven consecutive integers from 1 to 10. D is 3 less than A.B is the middle term.F is as much less than B as C is greater than D.G is greater than F


Q.49 (MOCK-4)

Five boys were climbing a hill. J was following H. R was just ahead of G. K was between G& H. They were climbing up in a column. Who was the second?


Q.63 (MOCK-8)

There are 10 animals two each of lions, panthers, bisions,bears & deer in a zoo. Enclosures in zoo are named as X,Y,Z,P & Q & each of the enclosures is allotted to one of the following attendants- Jack,Mohan,Shalini,Suman & Rita. Two animals of different species are housed in each enclosure. A lion & deer cannot be together. Panther can not be with either deer or bison. Suman attends two animals from among bison,bear & lion. Mohan attends to lion & Panther.Jack does not attend to deer,lion or bison. X,Y & Z are allotted to Mohan, Jack & Rita. X & Q enclosures have one animal of same species. Z & P have pair of animals. animals attended by Shalini are
43. Q.149 (MOCK-12)

The length of a rectangle is halved, while its breadth is tripled. What is the percentage change in area ?


Q.147 (MOCK-12)

The percentage increase in the area of a rectangle, if each of its sides is increased by 20% is


Q.23 (MOCK-10)


Q.24 (MOCK-10)

Based on matrix questions


Q.34 (MOCK-10)
Four friends, A, B, C and D distribute some money among themselves in such a manner that A gets one less than B, C gets 5 more than D, D gets 3 more than B. Who gets the smallest amount?


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