Q. 1 Consider the following statements :

1.A labour court recommendation under the terms of Industrial relations act, 1946-1990 may be appealed to Labour relations commissioner

2. A labour court shall consist of only one person to be appointed by the appropriate government

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

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Ans. B

There is no appeal against the  substance of a labour court

A labour court shall consist of only one person to be appointed by the appropriate government

Q.2 Which among the following statements correctly denotes to the term “Gherao” ?

A) It is Physical blockade of a target either by retrenchment intended to block the regress & ingress from & to particular office , workshop etc.

B) It is done to stop others from going to work & continue striking

C) It is the strike where workers refrain from having food

D) It is the form of strike wherein there is a deliberate delaying of production by the workmen pretending to be engaged in working

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Ans.  A

Gherao : It is Physical blockade of a target either by retrenchment intended to block the regress & ingress from & to particular office , workshop etc.

Picketing : It is done to stop others from going to work & continue striking

Hunger Strike : It is the strike where workers refrain from having food

Go slow strike : It is the form of strike wherein there is a deliberate delaying of production by the workmen pretending to be engaged in working

Q.3  Consider the following :

1. Equal Remuneration Act                                          1976

2. Code on Wages                                                            2019

3. Second National commission on Labour            1999

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) 1 & 3

B) Only 2

C) 2 & 3

D) 1,2,3

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Ans. D


Equal Remuneration Act                                                               1976

Code on Wages                                                                                                2019

 Second National commission on Labour                13th October       1999

Payment of Bonus Act                                                                   1965

Minimum Wages Act                                                                      1948

Payment of Wages Act                                                                  1936


Q.4 Which among the following case comes under the category of Strikes & lock Out ?

A) Syndicate bank vs Umesh Nayak A.I.R 1995

B) Indian Express Newspaper Vs State of Bengal 2005

C) Bata Shoe Ltd Vs D.N. Ganguly AIR 1961

D) Randhi Singh Vs Union of India AIR 1982

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Ans. A

Indian Express Newspaper Vs State of Bengal 2005 – STATUS OF EMPLPYMENT

Bata Shoe Ltd Vs D.N. Ganguly AIR 1961 – SETTLEMENT

Randhi Singh Vs Union of India AIR 1982 – EQUAL PAY EQUAL WORK

Syndicate bank vs Umesh Nayak A.I.R 1995 – STRIKES & LOCKOUT


Q.5 With reference to the Atal Beemit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana , consider the following statements :

1. Allotment of labour Identification Number is one of the objective of this scheme

2. The maximum duration for which an IP shall be eligible to draw the relief will be 60 days

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

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Ans. D

Allotment of labour Identification Number is one of the objective of PANDIT DEEN DAYAL UPADHYAY SHRAMEV JAYATE KARYAKARAM

The maximum duration for which an IP shall be eligible to draw the relief will be 90 days

The Atal Beemit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana (ABVKY) is a government welfare scheme initiated by the Central Government of India. Originally introduced as a pilot project for a duration of two years, the primary objective of the scheme is to provide financial support to individuals facing unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic.The scheme’s duration was later extended until June 30, 2022.


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