Q.1 Consider the statements relating to Kathakali:

1) Tabla & sitar are used in kathakali.

2) Kathakali is the art of story telling & it would bring to life the great scriptures and epic so ancient times, especially the great Indian epics – the Mahabharata and the Ramayana


A) only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are correct

Ans. C


Q.2 In context with the Kuchipudi, consider the  following statements:

1) It is a classical dance form  performed in Andhra Pradesh.

2) According to tradition, Kuchipudi dance was originally performed only by men and they all belonged to the Brahmin community

3) Renowned gurus like Vedantam Lakshmi Narayana Sastry brought  reforms that has led to the women playing the male parts in this dance form.


A) 1 & 3

B) 2 & 3

C) 1 & 2

D) All are correct

Ans. D


Q.3 The theory of trusteeship of the business asset was pronounced by

A)Henry fayol

B)Mahatma Gandhi

C)Jawahar Lal Nehru

D)Karl Marx

Ans. B


Q.4 Which sultan of Delhi is said to have followed the policy of  ‘blood & iron?



C)Jaluluddin Firoz Khalji

D)Firozshah tughlaq

Ans. B


Q.5 Ash Mound is associated with the Neolithic site at


B)Sangan Kallu



Ans. A


Q.6 Consider the statements relating Chaityas & viharas:

1) These are the examples of rock cut structures.

2) Chaityas were place of worship whereas Viharas were residence of monks


A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. C


Q.7 With reference to the Dhrupad, which among the following are correct ?

1) Instrument used are Tanpuras & Rudra Veena

2) It can’t be performed as a solo

Which among the above is/are correct ?

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. A

The vocalist is usually accompanied by two tanpuras, the players sitting close behind, with the percussionist at the right of the vocalist. Traditionally the only other instrument used was the Rudra Veena. Some artists have used other instruments. Preferably, such instruments should have a deep bass register and long sustain.

Like all Indian classical music, dhrupad is modal and monophonic, with a single melodic line and no chord progression. Each raga has a modal frame – a wealth of micro-tonal ornamentations (gamaka) are typical.

The text is preceded by a wholly improvised section, the alap. The alap in dhrupad is sung using a set of syllables, popularly thought to be derived from a mantra, in a recurrent, set pattern: a re ne na, té te re ne na, ri re re ne na, te ne toom ne (this last group is used in the end of a long phrase). Dhrupad styles have long elaborate alaps, their slow and deliberate melodic development gradually bringing an accelerating rhythmic pulse. In most styles of dhrupad singing it can easily last an hour, broadly subdivided into the alapproper (unmetered), the jor (with steady rhythm) and the jhala (accelerating strumming) or nomtom, when syllables are sung at a very rapid pace. Then the composition is sung to the rhythmic accompaniment: the four lines, in serial order, are termed sthayi, antara, sanchari and aabhog.

Compositions exist in the metres (tala) tivra (7 beats), sul (10 beats) and chau (12 beats) – a composition set to the 10-beat jhap tala is called a sadra while one set to the 14-beatdhamar is called a dhamar. The latter is seen as a lighter musical form, associated with the Holi spring festival.

Alongside concert performance the practice of singing dhrupad in temples continues, though only a small number of recordings have been made. It bears little resemblance to concert dhrupad: there is very little or no alap; percussion such as bells and finger cymbals, not used in the classical setting, are used here, and the drum used is a smaller, older variant called mrdang, quite similar to the mridangam.

Swami Vivekananda was exceedingly fond of the Dhrupad style of singing.He liked the martial nature of Dhrupad. In his book ‘Sangeeta Kalpataru’, Swami Vivekanandawrites,’Dhrupad means singing the glories of the Lord.This branch of music is especially devoted to singing glories of God.’ When he composed his Arati song to Sri Ramakrishna,which is sung in all centres of the Ramakrishna Order and countless homes the world over, he set it to the Dhrupad style of singing.


Q.8 Regarding Brahmo samaj, which among the following are correct ?

1) It does not discriminate between caste, creed or religion

2) It is a monotheistic movement of Hindu religion


A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. C

Brahmo Samaj is the societal component of Brahmoism, a monotheistic reformist and renaissancemovement of Hindu religion. It is practised today mainly as the Adi Dharm after its eclipse in Bengal consequent to the exit of theTattwabodini Sabha from its ranks in 1859. After the publication of Hemendranath Tagore’s Brahmo Anusthan (code of practice) in 1860 which formally divorced Brahmoism from Hinduism, the first Brahmo Samaj was founded in 1861 at Lahore by Pandit Nobin Chandra Roy.

It was one of the most influential religious reformist movements responsible for the making of modern India. It was started at Calcuttaon 20 August 1828 by Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Debendranath Tagore as reformation of the prevailing Brahmanism of the time (specifically Kulin practices) and began the Bengal Renaissance of the 19th century pioneering all religious, social and educational advance of the Hindu community in the 19th century. Its Trust Deed was made in 1830 formalising its inception and it was duly and publicly inaugurated in January 1830 by the consecration of the first house of prayer, now known as the Adi Brahmo Samaj. From theBrahmo Samaj springs Brahmoism, one of the recent sects or faiths of Hinduism. It is not recognised in India as a separate religion distinct from Hinduism despite its non-syncretic “foundation of Rammohun Roy’s reformed spiritual Hinduism (contained in the 1830 Banian deed) and inclusion of root Hebraic – Islamic creed and practice” though the position is different in Bangladesh.


Q.9 Regarding differences between Jainism & Buddhism, which among the following are correct ?

1) Jainism was confined to India, whereas Buddhism originated in India but subsequently flourished in other Asian countries

2) Both Jainism as well as Buddhism had the same thoughts regarding the enlightenment of women


A) Only 1

B)  Only 2

C) Both are correct

D) Both are incorrect

Ans. A

Buddhist Pali texts record the Buddha saying that a woman has the ability to obtain nirvana in the dharma and Vinaya. Jain traditions differ on the issue of enlightenment for women, with the Digambaras stating that women are capable of spiritual progress but must be reborn as a man in order to attain final spiritual liberation and the Śvētāmbaras maintaining that liberation is attainable by both men and women.


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