Before 1976, Education was state subject and Constitutional amendment of 1976 shifted it to concurrent list. It provided central government following responsibilities
• Reinforce the national and integral character of education
• Maintaining quality and standard including those of the teaching profession at all levels,
• the study and monitoring of the educational requirements of the country.
National Education policy (NPE) 1986 and Program of Action (POA), 1986 as updated in 1992 are most notable policies and programs of government. NPE envisages
• A national system of education to bring about uniformity in education
• Making adult education programs a mass movement
• Providing universal access, retention and quality in elementary education
• Special emphasis on education of girls
• Establishment of pace settign schools like navodaya Vidyalaya in each district
• Vocationalisation of secondary education
• synthesis of knowledge and inter-disciplinary research in higher education
• starting more open universities in the states
• strenghening the AICTE
• Encouraging sports, physical education, Yoga and
• adoption of an effective evaluation method.