Emotions in Weber’s bureaucracy Vs in modern neuroscience :
Weber’s bureaucracy prescribed complete impersonality and absence of emotions for rational administration. But Neuroscientific studies in last decade has shown that rationality and emotions are not separate compartments in the brain rather they are extrinsically interwoven. Charles Darwin in 19th century showed that emotions are adaptive in the evolution of human beings.Joseph Ledoux has said “Many emotions are product of evolutionary wisdom, which probably has more intelligence that human minds together.” Researchers have shown conclusively that emotions are a form of intelligent awareness. Emotions are what make us human. Emotions tell us what is valuable and important to us and to others. They signal the meaning of events. They serve as essential guide for humans to make rational choices. Without guidance of emotions, one become irrational, detached from reality.
Is not this detachment from reality the very definition of “occupational psychosis” (John Dewey), “professional deformation”(Thorsein Veblen), “trained incapacity” (Philip Selznick), and “bureaupathology” (Robert Merton)? We now have conclusive biological evidence that decision-making is neurologically impossible without being informed by emotions. Contrary to the classical model, decision-making is arbitrary when it is not infused with the intelligence of emotions.
Bureaucracy on emotions –Modern neuroscience on emotions
Make us inefficient– Make us effective
Sign of weakness– Sign of strength
Interfere with good judgement– Essential to good judgement
Distract us –Motivates us
Obstruct, or slow down, reasoning— Enhance, or speed up, reasoning
Arbitrary and tyrannical— Build trust and connection
Weaken neutrality— Activate ethical values
Inhibit the flow of objective data— Provide vital information and feedback
Complicate planning— Spark creativity and innovation
Undermine management— Enhance leadership